Module: Miscellaneous
Definition in file ToolkitUtils.h.
#include "PKIFdll.h"
#include "PKIFCryptoConstants.h"
#include "PKIFEnums.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <bitset>
#include <iomanip>
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | nsCLog |
Defines | |
#define | LOG_STRING_DEBUG(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer) LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::debug, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
#define | LOG_STRING_INFO(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer) LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::info, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
#define | LOG_STRING_WARN(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer) LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::warning, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
#define | LOG_STRING_ERROR(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer) LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::error, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
#define | LOG_STRING_FATAL(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer) LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::fatal, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
#define | RAISE_CACHE_EXCEPTION(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__) |
#define | RAISE_CRYPTO_EXCEPTION(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__) |
#define | RAISE_PATH_EXCEPTION(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__) |
#define | RAISE_PKIF_EXCEPTION(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__) |
#define | NEW_NODE(cur) |
#define | NEW_NEXT_AND_ADVANCE(cur) |
#define | SET_HEAD_TAIL_INCREMENT(list, cur) |
#define | LOG_ASN_COMPONENTS 0x00000001 |
#define | LOG_CACHE_COMPONENTS 0x00000002 |
#define | LOG_CRYPTO_COMPONENTS 0x00000004 |
#define | LOG_MESSAGE_COMPONENTS 0x00000008 |
#define | LOG_OCSP_COMPONENTS 0x00000010 |
#define | LOG_PATH_COMPONENTS 0x00000020 |
#define | LOG_TAP_COMPONENTS 0x00000040 |
#define | LOG_TSP_COMPONENTS 0x00000080 |
#define | LOG_UTILS_COMPONENTS 0x00000100 |
#define | LOG_APP_COMPONENTS 0x00000200 |
#define | LOG_SUCCESSES 0x00000400 |
#define | LOG_USE_EVENT_LOG 0x00000800 |
#define | LOG_AUDITED_EVENTS 0x00001000 |
#define | LOGINFO_CUR_TIME 0x00000001 |
#define | LOGINFO_THREAD_ID 0x00000002 |
#define | LOGINFO_OBJECT_POINTER 0x00000004 |
#define | LOGINFO_SUBCOMPONENT_ID 0x00000008 |
#define | LOGINFO_COMPONENT_CATEGORY 0x00000010 |
#define | LOGINFO_SUBCOMPONENT_DESC 0x00000020 |
#define | LOGINFO_ERROR_CODE 0x00000040 |
#define | LOGINFO_ERROR_CODE_STRING 0x00000080 |
#define | LOGINFO_ERROR_MESSAGE 0x00000100 |
Enumerations | |
The PKIFServiceType enum is used to identify service type. More... | |
The AlgClass enum is used to identify algorithm. More... | |
enum | nsCLog::eSeverity { nsCLog::debug = 100, nsCLog::info = 200, nsCLog::warning = 300, nsCLog::error = 400, nsCLog::fatal = 500 } |
The eSeverity enum is used to identify severity of the message that was added to the log. More... | |
enum | PathOp { PO_BUILD, PO_VALIDATE } |
Functions | |
FD_SMART_PTR (CPKIFCertificate) | |
FD_SMART_PTR (CPKIFPolicyInformation) | |
FD_SMART_PTR (CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifier) | |
FD_SMART_PTR (CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry) | |
FD_SMART_PTR (CPKIFPathValidationResults) | |
FD_LIST_PTR (CPKIFGeneralName) | |
FD_MC_PTR () | |
FD_NODE_LIST_PTR (CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry) | |
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr | MakeDefaultMediator (bool isService=false) |
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr | MakeDefaultMediator (bool isService, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr &trustedResponder) |
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr | MakeDefaultMediator (bool isService, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr &trustedResponder, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr &aiaColleague) |
void CAC_API | FreeDefaultMediator (IPKIFMediator *p) |
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr | MakeDefaultMediatorNSS (const char *db) |
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr | MakeDefaultMediatorNSS (const char *db, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr &trustedResponder) |
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr | MakeDefaultMediatorNSS (const char *db, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr &trustedResponder, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr &aiaColleague) |
void CAC_API | FreeDefaultMediatorNSS (IPKIFMediator *p) |
CAC_API IPKIFCertRepository * | Get_IPKIFCertRepository (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate * | Get_IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCertSearch * | Get_IPKIFCertSearch (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCRLRepository * | Get_IPKIFCRLRepository (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate * | Get_IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFTrustCache * | Get_IPKIFTrustCache (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFTrustCacheUpdate * | Get_IPKIFTrustCacheUpdate (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoKeyManagement * | Get_IPKIFCryptoKeyManagement (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations * | Get_IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoMisc * | Get_IPKIFCryptoMisc (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoRawOperations * | Get_IPKIFCryptoRawOperations (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoAlgSupport * | Get_IPKIFCryptoAlgSupport (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API IPKIFDefaultPathManagement * | Get_IPKIFDefaultPathManagement (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m) |
CAC_API void | AddCacheColleague (IPKIFMediatorPtr &m, IPKIFColleaguePtr &ldap) |
void CAC_API | GetCertsFromIssuerAltName (CPKIFCertificate &cert, CPKIFCertificateNodeList &certList, PKIInfoSource source=REMOTE, PathBuildingDirection pbd=PBD_FORWARD) |
BOOL CAC_API | PostRequestURL (CPKIFBufferPtr &encTSR, CPKIFBufferPtr &resp, const char *pstrURL, PKIFServiceType pst) |
bool CAC_API | RetrieveCertGivenHTTPURL (const char *url, CPKIFCertificateNodeList &certNodeList) |
int CAC_API | GetCRLfromLDAPURL (const char *url_in, CPKIFCRLList &crlList) |
int CAC_API | GetCertfromLDAPURL (const char *url, CPKIFCertificateNodeList &certList, PathBuildingDirection pbd=PBD_FORWARD) |
BOOL CAC_API | PostRequest (CPKIFBufferPtr &encTSR, CPKIFBufferPtr &resp, const char *pstrServer, int port, const char *pstrObject, PKIFServiceType pst) |
BOOL CAC_API | GetRequest (const char *pstrURL, CPKIFBufferPtr &resp) |
CAC_API char * | GetErrorCodeString (int errorCode, char *buf) |
AlgClass CAC_API | GetAlgClass (const CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr &alg) |
bool | ModeRequiresIV (PKIFCRYPTO::SYMKEY_MODE mode) |
bool CAC_API | GetCACHashAlg (const CPKIFOIDPtr &alg, PKIFCRYPTO::HASH_ALG *hashAlg) |
CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr CAC_API | GetHashAlgAI (PKIFCRYPTO::HASH_ALG hashAlgorithm) |
size_t | BitsToBytes (size_t bitCount) |
CPKIFNamePtr CAC_API | GetPKIFNameFromStr (unsigned char *name) |
CPKIFGeneralNamePtr CAC_API | GetPKIFGenNameFromStr (unsigned char *name, int nameType) |
CPKIFBufferPtr CAC_API | GetEncGenNameFromStr (unsigned char *name, int nameType) |
CPKIFBufferPtr CAC_API | EncodeCPKIFNameAsGenName (const CPKIFNamePtr &name) |
CPKIFBufferPtr CAC_API | EncodeGeneralName (CPKIFGeneralNamePtr &gn) |
CPKIFStringPtr | GetCertInfo (CPKIFCertificatePtr &targetCert) |
bool | CertIsSelfIssued (const CPKIFCertificatePtr &cert) |
void | CollectNamesFromCRLDP (const CPKIFCertificatePtr &cert, CPKIFGeneralNameList &namesFromCert) |
bool | keyUsageTest (BYTE keyUse[2], std::bitset< 9 > *ku) |
void CAC_API | FormatErrorMessage (std::string &result, const char *primaryMessage, unsigned int code, const char *file=NULL, int lineNum=0) |
int CAC_API | atob (char *byteval, char *ascval, unsigned int *alength) |
void CAC_API | btoa (const char *byteval, char *ascval, unsigned int blength) |
void | RemoveParentRelationships (std::vector< IPKIFColleaguePtr > &modules, IPKIFMediator *mediator) |
void | FreeAdditionalModules (std::vector< IPKIFColleague * > &modules, IPKIFMediator *mediator) |
void | FreeAdditionalModules2 (std::vector< IPKIFColleague * > &modules, IPKIFMediator *mediator, std::vector< void(*)(void *)> &vDeleteFuncs) |
void | GetLoggingIndicator (DWORD *value) |
bool | GetLogFile (char *ppszFilename, unsigned long *pnLen) |
void CAC_API | AuditPathEvent (PathOp op, bool succeeded, CPKIFCertificatePath &path) |
void CAC_API | LogString (const char *errorMessage, DWORD subcomponentID, DWORD errorCode=0, const void *objectPointer=0, nsCLog::eSeverity threshold=nsCLog::debug, const char *fileName=NULL, int lineNumber=NULL) |
bool | InitLogging () |
bool | TerminateLogging () |
bool CAC_API | InitPKIF () |
bool | InitAudit () |
void CAC_API | AuditString (int eventType, int eventCat, int eventID, const char *str, DWORD subcomponentID, DWORD errorCode=0, void *objectPointer=0) |
bool | TerminateAudit () |
void CAC_API | keyUsageChecker_AnyEE (const CPKIFCertificateNodeEntryPtr &certNode, CPKIFPathValidationResults &results, CertificateType type) |
void CAC_API | EKUChecker_OcspSigning (const CPKIFCertificateNodeEntryPtr &certNode, CPKIFPathValidationResults &results, CertificateType type) |
void CAC_API | EKUChecker_Timestamp (const CPKIFCertificateNodeEntryPtr &certNode, CPKIFPathValidationResults &results, CertificateType type) |
std::string | DecodeIPAndMask (const CPKIFBufferPtr &encodedIP) |
Variables | |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_md2WithRSAEncryption |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_md5WithRSAEncryption |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha1WithRSAEncryption |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha224WithRSAEncryption |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha256WithRSAEncryption |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha384WithRSAEncryption |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha512WithRSAEncryption |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_dsaWithSHA1Alternative |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdsa_sha1 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdsa_rec |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdsa_params |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdsa_sha224 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdsa_sha256 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdsa_sha384 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdsa_sha512 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdh_std_sha1kdf |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdh_cofactor_sha1kdf |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecmqv_sha1kdf |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdh_std_sha256kdf |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ecdh_std_sha384kdf |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha1 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha224 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha256 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha384 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_sha512 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_aes128Wrap |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_aes192Wrap |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_aes256Wrap |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_contentInfo |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_data |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_signedData |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_envelopedData |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_encryptedData |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_contentCollection |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_contentWithAttributes |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_compressedData |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_authenticatedData |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_digestedData |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_authEnvelopedData |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_contentTypeAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_messageDigestAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_signingTimeAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_countersignatureAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_timestampAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_archiveTokenAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_binarySigningTimeAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_signingCertificateAttribute |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_timestampingEKU |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_ocspSigningEKU |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_anyPolicyOID |
CAC_API CPKIFPolicyInformationPtr | g_anyPolicy |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_aiaCAIssuer |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_aiaCARepository |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_secp224r1 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_secp256r1 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_secp384r1 |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr | g_secp521r1 |
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr | g_md5AI |
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr | g_sha1AI |
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr | g_sha256AI |
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr | g_sha384AI |
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr | g_sha512AI |
CAC_API unsigned char | g_nullParams [] |
#define LOG_APP_COMPONENTS 0x00000200 |
Definition at line 434 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_ASN_COMPONENTS 0x00000001 |
Definition at line 425 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_AUDITED_EVENTS 0x00001000 |
Definition at line 437 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_CACHE_COMPONENTS 0x00000002 |
Definition at line 426 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_CRYPTO_COMPONENTS 0x00000004 |
Definition at line 427 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_MESSAGE_COMPONENTS 0x00000008 |
Definition at line 428 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_OCSP_COMPONENTS 0x00000010 |
Definition at line 429 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_PATH_COMPONENTS 0x00000020 |
Definition at line 430 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_STRING_DEBUG | ( | errorMsg, | |||
subComponentID, | |||||
errorCode, | |||||
objectPointer | ) | LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::debug, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
Definition at line 102 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by _CertIDMatchesCert(), _ClassifyCert(), _CNGVerify(), _CompareCRLNumbers(), _CreateComplexOCSPRequest(), _CreateSimpleOCSPRequest(), _GetCRLIssuersCert(), _GetHashOfToBeSignedCRL2(), _HashIssuerName(), _HashPublicKey(), _MatchSignersCertAndResponderID(), _QuarantineExtraneousCRLs(), _TypeOfCRL(), _ValidateCRLAuthority(), _ValidateCRLIssuerName2(), _ValidateDeltaScope(), _ValidateDP2(), _Verify(), SimpleCertCache::AddCertificate(), CPKIFSignedData::AddCertificate(), CPKIFNSSCertUpdate::AddCertificate(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::AddCertificate(), IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate::AddCertificate(), CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::AddCertificate(), CPKIFX509ExtensionMediator2::AddColleague(), CPKIFCMSAttributeMediator2::AddColleague(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::AddColleague(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::AddColleague(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::AddColleague(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::AddColleague(), SimpleCRLCache::AddCRL(), CPKIFSignedData::AddCRL(), CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate::AddCRL(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::AddCRL(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::AddCRL(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::AddOriginatorCertificate(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::AddOriginatorCRL(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::AddRecipient(), CPKIFCertStatus::AddRevocationSource(), CPKIFSignedData::AddSignerInfo(), SimpleRootStore::AddTrustRoot(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::AddUnprotectedAttribute(), CPKIFEncryptedData::AddUnprotectedAttribute(), CPKIFAttribute::AddValue(), CPKIFSingleResponse::AreThereAnyUnprocessedCriticalExtensions(), CPKIFResponseData::AreThereAnyUnprocessedCriticalExtensions(), CPKIFQuery::AreThereAnyUnprocessedCriticalExtensions(), CPKIFCVRequest::AreThereAnyUnprocessedCriticalExtensions(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::BuildAndValidatePath(), CPKIFReversiblePathBuilder::BuildPath(), CPKIFPathBuilder2::BuildPath(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::BuildPath(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::CheckStatus(), CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CheckStatus(), CPKIFOCSPChecker::CheckStatus(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::CheckStatusPath(), CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CheckStatusPath(), CPKIFOCSPChecker::CheckStatusPath(), SimpleRootStore::Clear(), SimpleCRLCache::Clear(), SimpleCertCache::Clear(), CPKIFSignedData::ClearContent(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::ClearContent(), CPKIFEncryptedData::ClearContent(), CPKIFAccuracy::CPKIFAccuracy(), CPKIFACReference::CPKIFACReference(), CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval::CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval(), CPKIFAttribute::CPKIFAttribute(), CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse::CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttribute::CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttribute(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttributeFactory::CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttributeFactory(), CPKIFBuilderStatistics::CPKIFBuilderStatistics(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::CPKIFCacheMediator2(), CPKIFCAPI2::CPKIFCAPI2(), CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::CPKIFCAPIRaw(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::CPKIFCAPIRepository2(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::CPKIFCAPITrustStore2(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2(), CPKIFCertBundle::CPKIFCertBundle(), CPKIFCertID::CPKIFCertID(), CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry::CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry(), CPKIFCertificatePath::CPKIFCertificatePath(), CPKIFCertReference::CPKIFCertReference(), CPKIFCertReferences::CPKIFCertReferences(), CPKIFCertReply::CPKIFCertReply(), CPKIFCertStatus::CPKIFCertStatus(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::CPKIFCNGCAPI(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw(), CPKIFCompleteSearch::CPKIFCompleteSearch(), CPKIFContentCollection::CPKIFContentCollection(), CPKIFContentInfo::CPKIFContentInfo(), CPKIFContentTypeAttribute::CPKIFContentTypeAttribute(), CPKIFContentTypeAttributeFactory::CPKIFContentTypeAttributeFactory(), CPKIFCountersignatureAttribute::CPKIFCountersignatureAttribute(), CPKIFCountersignatureAttributeFactory::CPKIFCountersignatureAttributeFactory(), CPKIFCredential::CPKIFCredential(), CPKIFCRLDPRetrieval::CPKIFCRLDPRetrieval(), CPKIFCRLInfo::CPKIFCRLInfo(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::CPKIFCryptoMediator2(), CPKIFCryptoPP::CPKIFCryptoPP(), CPKIFCryptoPPCredential::CPKIFCryptoPPCredential(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::CPKIFCryptoPPRaw(), CPKIFCVRequest::CPKIFCVRequest(), CPKIFDefaultScoring::CPKIFDefaultScoring(), CPKIFEncryptedData::CPKIFEncryptedData(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::CPKIFEnvelopedData(), CPKIFESSCertId::CPKIFESSCertId(), CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle::CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle(), CPKIFHashValue::CPKIFHashValue(), CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber::CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber(), CPKIFIssuerNameAndSerialNumberBasedSearch::CPKIFIssuerNameAndSerialNumberBasedSearch(), CPKIFKEKRecipInfoDetails::CPKIFKEKRecipInfoDetails(), CPKIFKeyAgreePublicKey::CPKIFKeyAgreePublicKey(), CPKIFKeyIDBasedSearch::CPKIFKeyIDBasedSearch(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::CPKIFKeyMaterial(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::CPKIFLDAPRepository(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttribute::CPKIFMessageDigestAttribute(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttributeFactory::CPKIFMessageDigestAttributeFactory(), CPKIFMessageImprint::CPKIFMessageImprint(), CPKIFName::CPKIFName(), CPKIFNameBasedSearch::CPKIFNameBasedSearch(), CPKIFNSS::CPKIFNSS(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap(), CPKIFNSSCertUpdate::CPKIFNSSCertUpdate(), CPKIFNSSCredential::CPKIFNSSCredential(), CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate::CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate(), CPKIFNSSRaw::CPKIFNSSRaw(), CPKIFNSSRepository::CPKIFNSSRepository(), CPKIFNSSTrustStore::CPKIFNSSTrustStore(), CPKIFOCSPCertStatus::CPKIFOCSPCertStatus(), CPKIFOCSPChecker::CPKIFOCSPChecker(), CPKIFOCSPInfo::CPKIFOCSPInfo(), CPKIFOCSPRequest::CPKIFOCSPRequest(), CPKIFOCSPResponse::CPKIFOCSPResponse(), CPKIFParallelHash::CPKIFParallelHash(), CPKIFPathBasicChecks2::CPKIFPathBasicChecks2(), CPKIFPathBuilder2::CPKIFPathBuilder2(), CPKIFPathLogger::CPKIFPathLogger(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(), CPKIFPathSettings::CPKIFPathSettings(), CPKIFPathValidationResults::CPKIFPathValidationResults(), CPKIFPKCReference::CPKIFPKCReference(), CPKIFPKIStatusInfo::CPKIFPKIStatusInfo(), CPKIFQuery::CPKIFQuery(), CPKIFReplyCheck::CPKIFReplyCheck(), CPKIFReplyWantBack::CPKIFReplyWantBack(), CPKIFRequest::CPKIFRequest(), CPKIFRequestReference::CPKIFRequestReference(), CPKIFResponderID::CPKIFResponderID(), CPKIFResponseBytes::CPKIFResponseBytes(), CPKIFResponseData::CPKIFResponseData(), CPKIFResponseFlags::CPKIFResponseFlags(), CPKIFResponseStatus::CPKIFResponseStatus(), CPKIFReversiblePathBuilder::CPKIFReversiblePathBuilder(), CPKIFRevInfoWantBack::CPKIFRevInfoWantBack(), CPKIFRevocationInfo::CPKIFRevocationInfo(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2(), CPKIFRevokedInfo::CPKIFRevokedInfo(), CPKIFSCVPCertID::CPKIFSCVPCertID(), CPKIFServiceLocator::CPKIFServiceLocator(), CPKIFSignedData::CPKIFSignedData(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute::CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttributeFactory::CPKIFSigningCertificateAttributeFactory(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttribute::CPKIFSigningTimeAttribute(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttributeFactory::CPKIFSigningTimeAttributeFactory(), CPKIFSingleResponse::CPKIFSingleResponse(), CPKIFTBSRequest::CPKIFTBSRequest(), CPKIFTimestampAttribute::CPKIFTimestampAttribute(), CPKIFTimestampAttributeFactory::CPKIFTimestampAttributeFactory(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::CPKIFTimeStampRequest(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::CPKIFTimeStampResponse(), CPKIFTimestampVerifier::CPKIFTimestampVerifier(), CPKIFTrustRoot::CPKIFTrustRoot(), CPKIFTSTInfo::CPKIFTSTInfo(), CPKIFValidationPolicy::CPKIFValidationPolicy(), CPKIFValPolRequest::CPKIFValPolRequest(), CPKIFValPolResponse::CPKIFValPolResponse(), CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CPKIFX509CRLChecker(), CPKIFTimestampAttributeFactory::create(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttributeFactory::create(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttributeFactory::create(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttributeFactory::create(), CPKIFCountersignatureAttributeFactory::create(), CPKIFContentTypeAttributeFactory::create(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttributeFactory::create(), CreateHashObjectFromData(), CPKIFNSSRaw::CryptFunc(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::CryptFunc(), CPKIFNSSRaw::CryptInit(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::CryptInit(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::CryptInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::CryptInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::CryptInit(), CPKIFCAPI2::CryptInit(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::CryptInit(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::CryptInit(), CPKIFTSTInfo::Decode(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::Decode(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::Decode(), CPKIFSignedData::Decode(), CPKIFOCSPResponse::Decode(), CPKIFOCSPRequest::Decode(), CPKIFEvidenceRecord::Decode(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::Decode(), CPKIFEncryptedData::Decode(), CPKIFContentCollection::Decode(), CPKIFContentInfo::Decode(), CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse::Decode(), CPKIFArchiveTimestamp::Decode(), CPKIFNSS::Decrypt(), CPKIFCryptoPP::Decrypt(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Decrypt(), CPKIFCAPI2::Decrypt(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::Decrypt(), CPKIFEncryptedData::Decrypt(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Decrypt(), CPKIFPathValidationResults::DiagnosticCode(), CPKIFPathBasicChecks2::DoChecks(), EKUChecker_OcspSigning(), EKUChecker_Timestamp(), EKUChecker_TimestampTSP(), CPKIFValPolResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTSTInfo::Encode(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::Encode(), CPKIFTBSRequest::Encode(), CPKIFSignedData::Encode(), CPKIFOCSPRequest::Encode(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::Encode(), CPKIFEncryptedData::Encode(), CPKIFCVRequest::Encode(), CPKIFContentInfo::Encode(), CPKIFName::Encoded(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Encrypt(), CPKIFCAPI2::Encrypt(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Encrypt(), CPKIFTSTInfo::ExtensionsPresent(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::ExtensionsPresent(), CPKIFQuery::ExtensionsPresent(), CPKIFCVRequest::ExtensionsPresent(), CPKIFCertReply::ExtensionsPresent(), CPKIFParallelHash::FinalizeHashes(), CPKIFNSSRepository::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::FindKeys(), CPKIFParallelHash::FreeHashVector(), FreeRequestMembers(), FreeResponseMembers(), FreeTBSRequestMembers(), FreeTSTInfoMembers(), FreeValPolResponseMembers(), CPKIFNSSRaw::GenRandom(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::GenRandom(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::GenRandom(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::GenRandom(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::GenRandom(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetAccuracy(), CPKIFEvidenceRecord::GetArchiveTimestampSequence(), CPKIFCMSAttributeMediator2::getAttribute(), CPKIFPathValidationResults::GetAuthorityConstrainedSet(), CPKIFNSSCredential::GetCertificate(), CPKIFCryptoPPCredential::GetCertificate(), CPKIFCAPICredential2::GetCertificate(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::GetCertificate(), SimpleCertCache::GetCertificates(), CPKIFSignedData::GetCertificates(), CPKIFNSSRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCertificates(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::GetCertificates(), CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval::GetCertificates(), IPKIFCertRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::GetCertificateSources(), CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval::GetCertificateSources(), GetCertsFromIssuerAltName(), SimpleCRLCache::GetCRLs(), CPKIFSignedData::GetCRLs(), CPKIFNSSRepository::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCRLDPRetrieval::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCRLDPRetrieval::GetCRLSources(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCRLSources(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCRLSources(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::GetDefaultKey(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::GetDefaultPathSettings(), CPKIFArchiveTimestamp::GetDigestAlgorithm(), CPKIFSignedData::GetEncapsulatedContent(), CPKIFTBSRequest::GetExtension(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetGeneralizedTime(), CPKIFParallelHash::GetHashInfo(), CPKIFPathSettings::GetInitialExclSubtrees(), CPKIFPathSettings::GetInitialPermSubtrees(), CPKIFPathSettings::GetInitialPolicySet(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::GetIV(), CPKIFNSS::GetKeyList(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::GetKeyList(), CPKIFCAPI2::GetKeyList(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::GetKeyList(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetMessageImprint(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::GetMessageImprint(), CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber::GetName(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetNonce(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::GetNonce(), CPKIFSignedData::GetNumberOfSigners(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::GetOriginatorCertificates(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::GetOriginatorCRLs(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetPolicy(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::GetPolicy(), CPKIFCredential::GetPublicKey(), CPKIFName::GetRDNs(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::GetRecipientInfos(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::GetReqCert(), CPKIFOCSPRequest::GetRequest(), CPKIFOCSPResponse::GetResponseBytes(), CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse::GetResponseData(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetSerialNumber(), CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber::GetSerialNumber(), CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse::GetSignature(), CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse::GetSignatureAlg(), CPKIFSignedData::GetSignerInfos(), CPKIFSignedData::GetSignersCert(), CPKIFSignedData::GetSignersInfo(), CPKIFOCSPInfo::GetSingleResponse(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::GetStatus(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::GetSymmetricKey(), CPKIFArchiveTimestamp::GetTimestamp(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::GetTimeStampToken(), SimpleRootStore::GetTrustRoots(), CPKIFNSSTrustStore::GetTrustRoots(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::GetTrustRoots(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::GetTrustRoots(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetTSA(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::GetUnprotectedAttributes(), CPKIFEncryptedData::GetUnprotectedAttributes(), CPKIFTimestampAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFCountersignatureAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFContentTypeAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFAttribute::GetValues(), CPKIFTSTInfo::GetVersion(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::GetVersion(), CPKIFEvidenceRecord::GetVersion(), CPKIFMessageImprint::HashAndSet(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HashFinal(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HashFinal(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HashFinal(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::HashFinal(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HashFinal(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::HashInit(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HashUpdate(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HashUpdate(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HashUpdate(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::HashUpdate(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HashUpdate(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HMACFinal(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::HMACFinal(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HMACFinal(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HMACFinal(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::HMACFinal(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HMACFinal(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::HMACInit(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::HMACInit(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFCredential::ID(), CPKIFTimestampAttributeFactory::Initialize(), SimpleRootStore::Initialize(), SimpleCRLCache::Initialize(), SimpleCertCache::Initialize(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttributeFactory::Initialize(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttributeFactory::Initialize(), CPKIFReversiblePathBuilder::Initialize(), CPKIFPathValidator2::Initialize(), CPKIFPathBuilder2::Initialize(), CPKIFNSSTrustStore::Initialize(), CPKIFNSSRepository::Initialize(), CPKIFNSSRaw::Initialize(), CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate::Initialize(), CPKIFNSSCertUpdate::Initialize(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::Initialize(), CPKIFNSS::Initialize(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::Initialize(), CPKIFCryptoPP::Initialize(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::Initialize(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Initialize(), CPKIFCMSAttributeMediator2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPI2::Initialize(), CPKIFBCryptPublicKey::Initialize(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttributeFactory::Initialize(), CPKIFCountersignatureAttributeFactory::Initialize(), CPKIFContentTypeAttributeFactory::Initialize(), CPKIFX509CRLChecker::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::Initialize(), CPKIFOCSPChecker::Initialize(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::Initialize(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttributeFactory::Initialize(), CPKIFX509ExtensionMediator2::InitializeMediator(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::InitializeMediator(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::InitializeMediator(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::InitializeMediator(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::InitializeMediator(), KeyIDsMatch(), CPKIFPathLogger::LogPath(), CPKIFPathLogger::LogValidationResults(), MakeDefaultMediator(), CPKIFNSS::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCryptoPP::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCAPI2::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCredential::Name(), CRLPassedNextUpdate::operator()(), ScopeCompare::operator()(), BasicConstraintsViolation::operator()(), CPKIFNSS::OwnsKey(), CPKIFCryptoPP::OwnsKey(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::OwnsKey(), CPKIFCAPI2::OwnsKey(), PKIFOCSPMemoryHelper::PKIFOCSPMemoryHelper(), PKIFSCVPMemoryHelper::PKIFSCVPMemoryHelper(), PKIFTSPMemoryHelper::PKIFTSPMemoryHelper(), ProcessCriticalCertExtensions(), CPKIFOCSPChecker::ProcessOfflineResponse(), CPKIFCAPICredential2::ProviderInfoMatches(), CPKIFName::rawName(), RetrieveCertGivenHTTPURL(), RetrieveCRLGivenHTTPURL(), CPKIFDefaultScoring::ScoreAndSortNodes(), scoreCompare(), scoreCompareNK(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::SecretAgree(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::SecretAgree(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetAccuracy(), CPKIFPathValidator2::SetAdditionalCertificateChecks(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::SetAdditionalCertificateChecks(), CPKIFPathValidationResults::SetAuthorityConstrainedSet(), SimpleCRLCache::SetAutoCleanup(), CPKIFCryptoPPCredential::SetCertificate(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::SetCertificate(), CPKIFContentTypeAttribute::SetContentType(), CPKIFTimestampVerifier::SetDataComplete(), CPKIFTimestampVerifier::SetDataHash(), CPKIFTimestampVerifier::SetDataHashSet(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::SetDataToEncrypt(), CPKIFEncryptedData::SetDataToEncrypt(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::SetDefaultKey(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::SetDefaultPathSettings(), CPKIFParallelHash::SetDigestAlgs(), CPKIFSignedData::SetEncapsulatedContent(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetGeneralizedTime(), CPKIFValPolRequest::SetGenerateNonce(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::SetGenerateNonce(), CPKIFCVRequest::SetGenerateNonce(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::SetIV(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttribute::SetMessageDigest(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetMessageImprint(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::SetMessageImprint(), CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber::SetName(), CPKIFValPolRequest::SetNonce(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetNonce(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::SetNonce(), CPKIFCVRequest::SetNonce(), CPKIFAttribute::SetOID(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetOrdering(), CPKIFNSSCredential::SetPassword(), CPKIFCryptoPPCredential::SetPassword(), CPKIFCAPICredential2::SetPassword(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetPolicy(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::SetPolicy(), CPKIFKeyAgreePublicKey::SetPublicKey(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::SetReqCert(), CPKIFOCSPRequest::SetRequest(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetSerialNumber(), CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber::SetSerialNumber(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttribute::SetSigningTime(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::SetStatus(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::SetSymmetricKey(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttribute::SetTime(), CPKIFTimestampAttribute::SetTimestamp(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::SetTimeStampToken(), CPKIFTSTInfo::SetTSA(), CPKIFNSSRaw::Sign(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::Sign(), CPKIFNSS::Sign(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::Sign(), CPKIFCryptoPP::Sign(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::Sign(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Sign(), CPKIFCAPI2::Sign(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Sign(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::Sign(), SimpleCertCache::SimpleCertCache(), SimpleCRLCache::SimpleCRLCache(), SimpleRootStore::SimpleRootStore(), CPKIFNSSRaw::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFName::ToString(), CPKIFSignedData::UpdateMessage(), CPKIFParallelHash::UpdateMessage(), CPKIFPathValidator2::ValidatePath(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::ValidatePath(), CPKIFTimestampVerifier::Verify(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::Verify(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Verify(), CPKIFCAPI2::Verify(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Verify(), CPKIFNSSRaw::VerifyCertificate(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::VerifyCertificate(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::VerifyCertificate(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::VerifyCertificate(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::VerifyCertificate(), CPKIFAccuracy::~CPKIFAccuracy(), CPKIFACReference::~CPKIFACReference(), CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval::~CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval(), CPKIFAttribute::~CPKIFAttribute(), CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse::~CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse(), CPKIFBasicPathState2::~CPKIFBasicPathState2(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttribute::~CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttribute(), CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttributeFactory::~CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttributeFactory(), CPKIFBuilderStatistics::~CPKIFBuilderStatistics(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::~CPKIFCacheMediator2(), CPKIFCAPI2::~CPKIFCAPI2(), CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::~CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2(), CPKIFCAPICredential2::~CPKIFCAPICredential2(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::~CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2(), CPKIFCAPICryptContext2::~CPKIFCAPICryptContext2(), CPKIFCAPIHashContext::~CPKIFCAPIHashContext(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::~CPKIFCAPIRaw(), CPKIFCAPIRawCryptContext::~CPKIFCAPIRawCryptContext(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::~CPKIFCAPIRepository2(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::~CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::~CPKIFCAPITrustStore2(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::~CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2(), CPKIFCertBundle::~CPKIFCertBundle(), CPKIFCertID::~CPKIFCertID(), CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry::~CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry(), CPKIFCertificatePath::~CPKIFCertificatePath(), CPKIFCertReference::~CPKIFCertReference(), CPKIFCertReferences::~CPKIFCertReferences(), CPKIFCertReply::~CPKIFCertReply(), CPKIFCertStatus::~CPKIFCertStatus(), CPKIFCMSAttributeMediator2::~CPKIFCMSAttributeMediator2(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::~CPKIFCNGCAPI(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::~CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw(), CPKIFCompleteSearch::~CPKIFCompleteSearch(), CPKIFContentCollection::~CPKIFContentCollection(), CPKIFContentInfo::~CPKIFContentInfo(), CPKIFContentTypeAttribute::~CPKIFContentTypeAttribute(), CPKIFContentTypeAttributeFactory::~CPKIFContentTypeAttributeFactory(), CPKIFCountersignatureAttribute::~CPKIFCountersignatureAttribute(), CPKIFCountersignatureAttributeFactory::~CPKIFCountersignatureAttributeFactory(), CPKIFCredential::~CPKIFCredential(), CPKIFCRLDPRetrieval::~CPKIFCRLDPRetrieval(), CPKIFCRLInfo::~CPKIFCRLInfo(), CPKIFCryptoMediator2::~CPKIFCryptoMediator2(), CPKIFCryptoPP::~CPKIFCryptoPP(), CPKIFCryptoPPCredential::~CPKIFCryptoPPCredential(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::~CPKIFCryptoPPRaw(), CPKIFCVRequest::~CPKIFCVRequest(), CPKIFDefaultScoring::~CPKIFDefaultScoring(), CPKIFEncryptedData::~CPKIFEncryptedData(), CPKIFEnvelopedData::~CPKIFEnvelopedData(), CPKIFESSCertId::~CPKIFESSCertId(), CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle::~CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle(), CPKIFHashValue::~CPKIFHashValue(), CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber::~CPKIFIssuerAndSerialNumber(), CPKIFIssuerNameAndSerialNumberBasedSearch::~CPKIFIssuerNameAndSerialNumberBasedSearch(), CPKIFKEKRecipInfoDetails::~CPKIFKEKRecipInfoDetails(), CPKIFKeyAgreePublicKey::~CPKIFKeyAgreePublicKey(), CPKIFKeyIDBasedSearch::~CPKIFKeyIDBasedSearch(), CPKIFKeyMaterial::~CPKIFKeyMaterial(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::~CPKIFLDAPRepository(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttribute::~CPKIFMessageDigestAttribute(), CPKIFMessageDigestAttributeFactory::~CPKIFMessageDigestAttributeFactory(), CPKIFMessageImprint::~CPKIFMessageImprint(), CPKIFName::~CPKIFName(), CPKIFNameBasedSearch::~CPKIFNameBasedSearch(), CPKIFNSS::~CPKIFNSS(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::~CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrapCryptContext::~CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrapCryptContext(), CPKIFNSSCertUpdate::~CPKIFNSSCertUpdate(), CPKIFNSSCredential::~CPKIFNSSCredential(), CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate::~CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate(), CPKIFNSSHashContext::~CPKIFNSSHashContext(), CPKIFNSSRaw::~CPKIFNSSRaw(), CPKIFNSSRawCryptContext::~CPKIFNSSRawCryptContext(), CPKIFNSSRepository::~CPKIFNSSRepository(), CPKIFNSSTrustStore::~CPKIFNSSTrustStore(), CPKIFOCSPCertStatus::~CPKIFOCSPCertStatus(), CPKIFOCSPChecker::~CPKIFOCSPChecker(), CPKIFOCSPInfo::~CPKIFOCSPInfo(), CPKIFOCSPRequest::~CPKIFOCSPRequest(), CPKIFOCSPResponse::~CPKIFOCSPResponse(), CPKIFParallelHash::~CPKIFParallelHash(), CPKIFPathBasicChecks2::~CPKIFPathBasicChecks2(), CPKIFPathBuilder2::~CPKIFPathBuilder2(), CPKIFPathLogger::~CPKIFPathLogger(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::~CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(), CPKIFPathSettings::~CPKIFPathSettings(), CPKIFPathValidationResults::~CPKIFPathValidationResults(), CPKIFPathValidator2::~CPKIFPathValidator2(), CPKIFPKCReference::~CPKIFPKCReference(), CPKIFPKIStatusInfo::~CPKIFPKIStatusInfo(), CPKIFQuery::~CPKIFQuery(), CPKIFReplyCheck::~CPKIFReplyCheck(), CPKIFReplyWantBack::~CPKIFReplyWantBack(), CPKIFRequest::~CPKIFRequest(), CPKIFRequestReference::~CPKIFRequestReference(), CPKIFResponderID::~CPKIFResponderID(), CPKIFResponseBytes::~CPKIFResponseBytes(), CPKIFResponseData::~CPKIFResponseData(), CPKIFResponseFlags::~CPKIFResponseFlags(), CPKIFResponseStatus::~CPKIFResponseStatus(), CPKIFRevInfoWantBack::~CPKIFRevInfoWantBack(), CPKIFRevocationInfo::~CPKIFRevocationInfo(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::~CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2(), CPKIFRevokedInfo::~CPKIFRevokedInfo(), CPKIFSCVPCertID::~CPKIFSCVPCertID(), CPKIFServiceLocator::~CPKIFServiceLocator(), CPKIFSignedData::~CPKIFSignedData(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute::~CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttributeFactory::~CPKIFSigningCertificateAttributeFactory(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttribute::~CPKIFSigningTimeAttribute(), CPKIFSigningTimeAttributeFactory::~CPKIFSigningTimeAttributeFactory(), CPKIFSingleResponse::~CPKIFSingleResponse(), CPKIFTBSRequest::~CPKIFTBSRequest(), CPKIFTimestampAttribute::~CPKIFTimestampAttribute(), CPKIFTimestampAttributeFactory::~CPKIFTimestampAttributeFactory(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::~CPKIFTimeStampRequest(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::~CPKIFTimeStampResponse(), CPKIFTimestampVerifier::~CPKIFTimestampVerifier(), CPKIFTrustRoot::~CPKIFTrustRoot(), CPKIFTSTInfo::~CPKIFTSTInfo(), CPKIFValidationPolicy::~CPKIFValidationPolicy(), CPKIFValPolRequest::~CPKIFValPolRequest(), CPKIFValPolResponse::~CPKIFValPolResponse(), CPKIFX509CRLChecker::~CPKIFX509CRLChecker(), PKIFOCSPMemoryHelper::~PKIFOCSPMemoryHelper(), PKIFSCVPMemoryHelper::~PKIFSCVPMemoryHelper(), PKIFTSPMemoryHelper::~PKIFTSPMemoryHelper(), SimpleCertCache::~SimpleCertCache(), and SimpleRootStore::~SimpleRootStore().
#define LOG_STRING_ERROR | ( | errorMsg, | |||
subComponentID, | |||||
errorCode, | |||||
objectPointer | ) | LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::error, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
Definition at line 108 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::AddCertificate(), CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate::AddCRL(), CPKIFNSSRepository::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::FindCertificates(), FreeCACX509V3GeneralName(), GetCertfromLDAPURL(), CPKIFNSSRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCertificates(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFNSSRepository::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCRLSources(), CPKIFNSSTrustStore::GetTrustRoots(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::GetTrustRoots(), PostRequest(), PostRequestURL(), CPKIFCacheMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::Terminate(), and CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Terminate().
#define LOG_STRING_FATAL | ( | errorMsg, | |||
subComponentID, | |||||
errorCode, | |||||
objectPointer | ) | LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::fatal, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
Definition at line 110 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFCacheMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::Terminate(), and CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Terminate().
#define LOG_STRING_INFO | ( | errorMsg, | |||
subComponentID, | |||||
errorCode, | |||||
objectPointer | ) | LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::info, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
Definition at line 104 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFNSSCertUpdate::AddCertificate(), CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate::AddCRL(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::AddCRL(), CPKIFReversiblePathBuilder::BuildPath(), CPKIFPathBuilder2::BuildPath(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCertificates(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCRLSources(), and CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::GetTrustRoots().
#define LOG_STRING_WARN | ( | errorMsg, | |||
subComponentID, | |||||
errorCode, | |||||
objectPointer | ) | LogString(errorMsg, subComponentID, errorCode, objectPointer, nsCLog::warning, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
Definition at line 106 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::AddCRL(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::Initialize(), and CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::Initialize().
#define LOG_SUCCESSES 0x00000400 |
Definition at line 435 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_TAP_COMPONENTS 0x00000040 |
Definition at line 431 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_TSP_COMPONENTS 0x00000080 |
Definition at line 432 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_USE_EVENT_LOG 0x00000800 |
Definition at line 436 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOG_UTILS_COMPONENTS 0x00000100 |
Definition at line 433 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Definition at line 445 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_CUR_TIME 0x00000001 |
Definition at line 441 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_ERROR_CODE 0x00000040 |
Definition at line 447 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_ERROR_CODE_STRING 0x00000080 |
Definition at line 448 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_ERROR_MESSAGE 0x00000100 |
Definition at line 449 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_OBJECT_POINTER 0x00000004 |
Definition at line 443 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_SUBCOMPONENT_DESC 0x00000020 |
Definition at line 446 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_SUBCOMPONENT_ID 0x00000008 |
Definition at line 444 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define LOGINFO_THREAD_ID 0x00000002 |
Definition at line 442 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Definition at line 198 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFPathLogger::LogPath(), LogString(), and CPKIFPathLogger::LogValidationResults().
#define NEW_NEXT_AND_ADVANCE | ( | cur | ) |
{ \
cur->next = new DListNode; \
cur->next->prev = cur; \
cur->next->next = NULL; \
cur = cur->next; \
Definition at line 153 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by BuildCACX509V3DistinguishedName(), BuildCACX509V3RelativeDistinguishedName(), CalculateHashOfArchiveTimestampChain(), CPKIFDistributionPointName::CPKIFDistributionPointName(), CPKIFName::CPKIFName(), CPKIFValPolResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTBSRequest::Encode(), CPKIFRevInfoWantBack::Encode(), CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle::Encode(), CPKIFEvidenceRecord::Encode(), CPKIFCVRequest::Encode(), CPKIFCertBundle::Encode(), CExtractInfoFromCertDialog::GetNamespace(), CPKIFDistributionPointName::GetRelativeNameAsFullName(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute::GetValues(), PopulateACReference(), PopulateDListWithASN1OBJID(), PopulateDListWithCACX509V3AlgorithmIdentifier(), PopulateDListWithCACX509V3GeneralName(), PopulatePKCReference(), PopulateQuery(), PopulateReplyObjects(), PopulateValidationPolicy(), SetupAttributesInObjectiveStructure(), CPKIFPolicyInformationSet::value(), and CPKIFNameConstraints::value().
#define NEW_NODE | ( | cur | ) |
{ \
cur = new DListNode;\
cur->next = NULL;\
cur->prev = NULL; \
Definition at line 146 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by BuildCACX509V3DistinguishedName(), BuildCACX509V3RelativeDistinguishedName(), CalculateHashOfArchiveTimestampChain(), CPKIFDistributionPointName::CPKIFDistributionPointName(), CPKIFName::CPKIFName(), CPKIFValPolResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTBSRequest::Encode(), CPKIFRevInfoWantBack::Encode(), CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle::Encode(), CPKIFEvidenceRecord::Encode(), CPKIFCVRequest::Encode(), CPKIFCertBundle::Encode(), CExtractInfoFromCertDialog::GetNamespace(), CPKIFDistributionPointName::GetRelativeNameAsFullName(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute::GetValues(), PopulateACReference(), PopulateDListWithASN1OBJID(), PopulateDListWithCACX509V3AlgorithmIdentifier(), PopulateDListWithCACX509V3GeneralName(), PopulatePKCReference(), PopulateQuery(), PopulateReplyObjects(), PopulateValidationPolicy(), SetupAttributesInObjectiveStructure(), CPKIFPolicyInformationSet::value(), and CPKIFNameConstraints::value().
#define RAISE_CACHE_EXCEPTION | ( | __errorMsg__, | |||
__component__, | |||||
__errorCode__, | |||||
__object__ | ) |
{\ LOG_STRING_ERROR(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__);\ throw CPKIFCacheException(__component__, __errorCode__, __errorMsg__);\ }
Definition at line 120 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFNSSCertUpdate::AddCertificate(), CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::AddCertificate(), CPKIFNSSCRLUpdate::AddCRL(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::AddCRL(), CPKIFNSSRepository::FindCertificates(), CPKIFNSSRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCertificates(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCertificates(), CPKIFNSSRepository::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::GetCRLs(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::GetCRLSources(), CPKIFNSSTrustStore::GetTrustRoots(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::GetTrustRoots(), CPKIFNSSRepository::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPITrustRootCRLRepository2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPICRLUpdate2::Initialize(), CPKIFCAPICertUpdate2::Initialize(), SimpleCertCache::ReadCertsFromDirectory(), SimpleCRLCache::ReadCRLsFromDirectory(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::Set_Port(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::SetHost(), SimpleCertCache::WriteCertsToDirectory(), and SimpleCRLCache::WriteCRLsToDirectory().
#define RAISE_CRYPTO_EXCEPTION | ( | __errorMsg__, | |||
__component__, | |||||
__errorCode__, | |||||
__object__ | ) |
{\ LOG_STRING_ERROR(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__);\ throw CPKIFCryptoException(__component__, __errorCode__, __errorMsg__);\ }
Definition at line 126 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by _CNGVerify(), _Verify(), CPKIFNSSCredential::CPKIFNSSCredential(), CreateHashObjectFromData(), CPKIFNSSRaw::CryptFunc(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::CryptFunc(), CPKIFNSSRaw::CryptInit(), CPKIFNSS::CryptInit(), CPKIFCryptoPP::CryptInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::CryptInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::CryptInit(), CPKIFCAPI2::CryptInit(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::CryptInit(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::Decrypt(), CPKIFNSS::Decrypt(), CPKIFCryptoPP::Decrypt(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Decrypt(), CPKIFCAPI2::Decrypt(), CPKIFCryptoPP::DeriveKey(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::Encrypt(), CPKIFNSS::Encrypt(), CPKIFCryptoPP::Encrypt(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Encrypt(), CPKIFNSSRaw::GenRandom(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::GenRandom(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::GenRandom(), GetCNGSymAlgorithm(), CPKIFNSSDatabase::GetInstance(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::GetKeyList(), CPKIFCAPI2::GetKeyList(), GetProvType(), CPKIFCryptoPPCredential::GetPublicKey(), GetSymAlgorithm(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HashFinal(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HashFinal(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HashFinal(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HashInit(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HashUpdate(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HashUpdate(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HashUpdate(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HMACFinal(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::HMACFinal(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HMACFinal(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HMACFinal(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::HMACInit(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HMACInit(), CPKIFNSSRaw::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::HMACUpdate(), CPKIFNSS::Initialize(), CPKIFBCryptPublicKey::Initialize(), CPKIFNSS::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCAPI2::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCryptoPP::SecretAgree(), CPKIFNSSCredential::SetPassword(), CPKIFCryptoPPCredential::SetPassword(), CPKIFNSSDatabase::Shutdown(), CPKIFNSSRaw::Sign(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::Sign(), CPKIFNSS::Sign(), CPKIFCryptoPPRaw::Sign(), CPKIFCryptoPP::Sign(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::Sign(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::Sign(), CPKIFCAPI2::Sign(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::Sign(), CPKIFNSSRaw::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFCAPIRaw::SupportsAlgorithm(), CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::Verify(), CPKIFNSS::Verify(), CPKIFCryptoPP::Verify(), CPKIFNSSRaw::VerifyCertificate(), and CPKIFNSSAesKeyWrap::VerifyCertificate().
#define RAISE_PATH_EXCEPTION | ( | __errorMsg__, | |||
__component__, | |||||
__errorCode__, | |||||
__object__ | ) |
{\ LOG_STRING_ERROR(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__);\ throw CPKIFPathException(__component__, __errorCode__, __errorMsg__);\ }
Definition at line 132 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFPathBuilder2::BuildPath(), CPKIFPathBasicChecks2::DoChecks(), and PathSigChecker().
#define RAISE_PKIF_EXCEPTION | ( | __errorMsg__, | |||
__component__, | |||||
__errorCode__, | |||||
__object__ | ) |
{\ LOG_STRING_ERROR(__errorMsg__, __component__, __errorCode__, __object__);\ throw CPKIFException(__component__, __errorCode__, __errorMsg__);\ }
Definition at line 138 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
#define SET_HEAD_TAIL_INCREMENT | ( | list, | |||
cur | ) |
{ \ if(0 == list.count)\ {\ list.head = cur;\ list.tail = cur;\ }\ else\ list.tail = cur;\ ++list.count;\ }
Definition at line 161 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by BuildCACX509V3DistinguishedName(), BuildCACX509V3RelativeDistinguishedName(), CalculateHashOfArchiveTimestampChain(), CPKIFValPolResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTimeStampResponse::Encode(), CPKIFTBSRequest::Encode(), CPKIFRevInfoWantBack::Encode(), CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle::Encode(), CPKIFEvidenceRecord::Encode(), CPKIFCVRequest::Encode(), CPKIFCertBundle::Encode(), CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute::GetValues(), PopulateACReference(), PopulateDListWithASN1OBJID(), PopulateDListWithCACX509V3AlgorithmIdentifier(), PopulateDListWithCACX509V3GeneralName(), PopulatePKCReference(), PopulateQuery(), PopulateReplyObjects(), PopulateValidationPolicy(), SetupAttributesInObjectiveStructure(), CPKIFPolicyInformationSet::value(), and CPKIFNameConstraints::value().
enum AlgClass |
enum PathOp |
enum PKIFServiceType |
The PKIFServiceType enum is used to identify service type.
Definition at line 177 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
CAC_API void AddCacheColleague | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m, | |
IPKIFColleaguePtr & | c | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function will add the colleague which was passed in the c parameter to the cache mediator in m.
m | [in/out] A pointer to a Mediator object to which the cache colleague will be added. |
c | [in] A pointer to a Colleague object that will be added to the mediator. |
Definition at line 337 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References CPKIFCacheMediator2::AddColleague().
int CAC_API atob | ( | char * | byteval, | |
char * | ascval, | |||
unsigned int * | alength | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function converts a NULL terminated ASCII hexadecimal string to binary. The buffer passed via byteval must be at least strlen(ascval)/2 in size.
byteval | [in/out] Buffer |
ascval | [in] A NULL terminated ASCII hexadecimal string which will be converted to binary. |
alength | [in] Integer value |
Definition at line 2837 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References ACCEPTABLE.
Referenced by _CompareCRLNumbers(), _Verify(), CPKIFNSSRepository::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIUserRepository2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPITrustStore2::FindCertificates(), CPKIFCAPIRepository2::FindCertificates(), GetBufferFromAscii(), CPKIFNSS::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::MakeKeyID(), and CPKIFCAPI2::MakeKeyID().
void CAC_API AuditPathEvent | ( | PathOp | op, | |
bool | succeeded, | |||
CPKIFCertificatePath & | path | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function is not used by applications. It is invoked by the CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2 class to audit path processing-related events.
op | [in] PathOp object. |
succeeded | [in] Boolean value. |
path | [in] CPKIFCertificatePath object |
Definition at line 722 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::BuildPath(), and CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::ValidatePath().
void CAC_API AuditString | ( | int | eventType, | |
int | eventCat, | |||
int | eventID, | |||
const char * | str, | |||
DWORD | subcomponentID, | |||
DWORD | errorCode, | |||
void * | objectPointer | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function is not used by applications. It is invoked internally to generate event log records for notable events.
eventType | [in] Integer value which contains the even type ID. |
eventCat | [in] Integer value which contains the even category ID. |
eventID | [in] Integer value which contains the even ID. |
str | [in] A pointer to a NULL terminated string. |
subcomponentID | [in] DWORD |
errorCode | [in] DWORD |
objectPointer | [in] Pointer to the object that generated the audit event |
Definition at line 658 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
References CEventLog::Write().
size_t BitsToBytes | ( | size_t | bitCount | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 374 of file ToolkitUtils.h.
Referenced by CPKIFCryptoPPKeyMaterial::SetRawSPKI().
void CAC_API btoa | ( | const char * | byteval, | |
char * | ascval, | |||
unsigned int | blength | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function converts a binary buffer into a NULL terminated ASCII hexadecimal string. The buffer passed via ascval must be at least (2*blength)+1 in size.
byteval | [in] A pointer to a binary buffer. |
ascval | [in/out] A pointer to a string to receive the value that was converted from binary. |
blength | [in] An unsigned integer value. |
Definition at line 2903 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by AddOcspDetailsToManifest(), CPKIFNSSCredential::CPKIFNSSCredential(), DisplayCertificateDetails(), EncodeDSASignature(), GetBufAsAscii(), GetBufferAsAscii(), GetThumbprint(), GetThumbprintForSubjectAndIssuerPair(), CPKIFPathLogger::LogPath(), operator<<(), CPKIFGeneralCRLDetailsPanel::PopulateListExtensions(), CPKIFCapiCRLEntry::SerialNumber(), and CPKIFName::ToString().
bool CertIsSelfIssued | ( | const CPKIFCertificatePtr & | cert | ) |
Interface: External
This is a helper function that determines if the certificat eis self issued
cert | [in] A reference to a smart pointer to CPKIFCertificate object |
Definition at line 2704 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by _GetCRLIssuersCert(), and CPKIFDefaultScoring::ScoreAndSortNodes().
void CollectNamesFromCRLDP | ( | const CPKIFCertificatePtr & | cert, | |
CPKIFGeneralNameList & | namesFromCert | |||
) |
Referenced by SimpleCRLCache::GetCRLs(), CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCRLs(), and CPKIFLDAPRepository::GetCRLSources().
std::string DecodeIPAndMask | ( | const CPKIFBufferPtr & | encodedIP | ) |
Interface: Module
Helper function to decode encoded IPs
encodedIP | [in] Encoded IP |
Definition at line 3724 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by operator<<().
void CAC_API EKUChecker_OcspSigning | ( | const CPKIFCertificateNodeEntryPtr & | certNode, | |
CPKIFPathValidationResults & | results, | |||
CertificateType | type | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
This function processes the extended key usage extension of the certificate pointed to by certNode, confirming that id-kp-OCSPSigning ("") is present. If the extension is present and has the correct value, the certNode will mark that extension as processed.
certNode | [in] The certificate to process. |
results | [in] Not processed. |
type | [in] The certificate type. |
Definition at line 3671 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
void CAC_API EKUChecker_Timestamp | ( | const CPKIFCertificateNodeEntryPtr & | certNode, | |
CPKIFPathValidationResults & | results, | |||
CertificateType | type | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
This function processes the extended key usage extension of the certificate pointed to by certNode, confirming that id-kp-timeStamping ("") is present. If the extension is present and has the correct value, the certNode will mark that extension as processed.
certNode | [in] The certificate to process. |
results | [in] Not processed. |
type | [in] The certificate type. |
Definition at line 3615 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References PKIFENUMS::EE, g_anyEKU, g_timestampingEKU, LOG_STRING_DEBUG, GottaMatch< T >::SetRHS(), and TOOLKIT_TSP_TIMESTAMP_VERIFIER.
CPKIFBufferPtr CAC_API EncodeCPKIFNameAsGenName | ( | const CPKIFNamePtr & | name | ) |
name | [in] A refernece to a smart pointer to a buffer containing distinguished name |
Definition at line 1421 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFGeneralName::CPKIFGeneralName().
CPKIFBufferPtr CAC_API EncodeGeneralName | ( | CPKIFGeneralNamePtr & | gn | ) |
Interface: External
This function frees memory used by OOCTXT structure. These structures are created and used internally. Applications need not invoke this function. The OOCTXT structure is defined as follows.
//typedef struct _OOCTXT { // ASN.1 context block // // ASN1BUFFER buffer; // data buffer // ASN1BUFSAVE savedInfo; // saved buffer info // ASN1ErrInfo errInfo; // run-time error info // ASN1MemBlk* memBlk_p; // memory block list // OSUINT32 initCode; // code double word to indicate init // OSUINT16 flags; // flag bits // DList fieldList; // PER field list // Asn1SizeCnst* pSizeConstraint; // Size constraint list // const char* pCharSet; // String of permitted characters // Asn1RTStack nameStack; // Element name stack // DList evtHndlrList; // Event handler object list // void* errHndlrCB; // Error handler callback function // //} OOCTXT; //
gn | [in] A smart pointer to CPKIFGeneralName object. |
Definition at line 2562 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
FD_LIST_PTR | ( | CPKIFGeneralName | ) |
FD_MC_PTR | ( | ) |
FD_NODE_LIST_PTR | ( | CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFOCSPChecker | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFPathValidationResults | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFName | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifier | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFPolicyInformation | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFBuffer | ) |
FD_SMART_PTR | ( | CPKIFCertificate | ) |
void CAC_API FormatErrorMessage | ( | std::string & | result, | |
const char * | primaryMessage, | |||
unsigned int | code, | |||
const char * | file, | |||
int | lineNum | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
This function is not used by applications. It is used only in debug builds of PKIF to support internal testing.
result | [in] String containing the result. |
primaryMessage | [in] A NULL terminated string. |
code | [in] Integer value which indicated error code. |
file | [in] A NULL terminated string. |
lineNum | [in] Integer value indicating the line number where the error occurred. |
Definition at line 2929 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by SimpleCRLCache::GetCRLs(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::MakeKeyID(), CPKIFCAPI2::MakeKeyID(), and CPKIFCAPI2::Sign().
void FreeAdditionalModules | ( | std::vector< IPKIFColleague * > & | modules, | |
IPKIFMediator * | mediator | |||
) |
Interface: External
This is a helper function that frees modules
modules | [in]A vector containing the list of modules |
mediator | [in]Pointer to an IPKIFMediator object |
Definition at line 3045 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFX509ExtensionMediator2::Terminate().
void FreeAdditionalModules2 | ( | std::vector< IPKIFColleague * > & | modules, | |
IPKIFMediator * | mediator, | |||
std::vector< void(*)(void *)> & | vDeleteFuncs | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that frees modules
modules | [in]A vector containing the list of modules |
mediator | [in]Pointer to an IPKIFMediator object |
vDeleteFuncs | [in] A vector that contains delete functions |
Definition at line 3077 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
void CAC_API FreeDefaultMediator | ( | IPKIFMediator * | p | ) |
Interface: External
This function deletes the pointer passed via p. The object pointed to by p should have been created using MakeDefaultMediator. This function must not be used to delete application-allocated objects if the application is built using a different C runtime library, e.g. different heap, than PKIF.
p | [in] Pointer to an IPKIFMediator object to delete |
Definition at line 700 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References ShutdownCrypto().
void CAC_API FreeDefaultMediatorNSS | ( | IPKIFMediator * | p | ) |
Interface: External
This function deletes the pointer passed via p. The object pointed to by p should have been created using MakeDefaultMediatorNSS. This function must not be used to delete application-allocated objects if the application is built using a different C runtime library, e.g. different heap, than PKIF.
p | [in] Pointer to an IPKIFMediator object to delete |
Definition at line 901 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References ShutdownCrypto().
CAC_API IPKIFCertRepository* Get_IPKIFCertRepository | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCertRepository interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 150 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate* Get_IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 163 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCertSearch* Get_IPKIFCertSearch | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCertSearch interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 176 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCRLRepository* Get_IPKIFCRLRepository | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCRLRepository interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 189 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate* Get_IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 202 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoAlgSupport* Get_IPKIFCryptoAlgSupport | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCryptoAlgSupport interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 295 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations* Get_IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 256 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoKeyManagement* Get_IPKIFCryptoKeyManagement | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCryptoKeyManagement interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 243 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoMisc* Get_IPKIFCryptoMisc | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCryptoMisc interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 269 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFCryptoRawOperations* Get_IPKIFCryptoRawOperations | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFCryptoRawOperations interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 282 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFDefaultPathManagement* Get_IPKIFDefaultPathManagement | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFDefaultPathManagement interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 310 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFTrustCache* Get_IPKIFTrustCache | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFTrustCache interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 215 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFTrustCacheUpdate* Get_IPKIFTrustCacheUpdate | ( | IPKIFMediatorPtr & | m | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to obtain a pointer to the IPKIFTrustCacheUpdate interface of an IPKIFMediator object.
m | [in] Pointer to a mediator object. |
Definition at line 228 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
AlgClass CAC_API GetAlgClass | ( | const CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr & | alg | ) |
Interface: External
This function is used to determine if the algorithm is RSA or DSA.
enum AlgClass {
alg | [in] A smart pointer to CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr object |
Definition at line 1370 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References COMMON_UNSUPPORTED_ALG, DSA_CLASS, ECDSA_CLASS, g_dsa, g_dsaWithSHA1, g_ecc, g_ecdsa_sha1, g_ecdsa_sha224, g_ecdsa_sha256, g_ecdsa_sha384, g_ecdsa_sha512, g_md2WithRSAEncryption, g_md5WithRSAEncryption, g_rsa, g_sha1WithRSAEncryption, g_sha224WithRSAEncryption, g_sha256WithRSAEncryption, g_sha384WithRSAEncryption, g_sha512WithRSAEncryption, RSA_CLASS, and TOOLKIT_UTILS_SUBCOMPONENT.
Referenced by CPKIFPathBasicChecks2::DoChecks(), GetSignerInfo(), PathSigChecker(), CPKIFDefaultScoring::ScoreAndSortNodes(), CPKIFCAPI2::Sign(), and CPKIFCNGCAPIRaw::SupportsAlgorithm().
bool CAC_API GetCACHashAlg | ( | const CPKIFOIDPtr & | alg, | |
PKIFCRYPTO::HASH_ALG * | hashAlg | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function takes a smart pointer to a CPKIFOID object and based on the oid creates HASH_ALG enum.
alg | [in] A smart pointer to CPKIFOID object |
hashAlg | [in/out] A pointer to a HASH_ALG enum |
Definition at line 1401 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::HashAlg().
Referenced by ComputeSignedAttrHash(), Countersign(), PathSigChecker(), CPKIFParallelHash::SetDigestAlgs(), CPKIFTimestampVerifier::Verify(), and VerifyCounterSignatures().
int CAC_API GetCertfromLDAPURL | ( | const char * | url, | |
CPKIFCertificateNodeList & | certList, | |||
PathBuildingDirection | pbd = PBD_FORWARD | |||
) |
Referenced by CPKIFLdapCertNode::GetCertificates(), and GetCertsFromIssuerAltName().
CPKIFStringPtr GetCertInfo | ( | CPKIFCertificatePtr & | targetCert | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that extracts Issuer DN, Serial number, Subject DN and puts it into a string.
targetCert | [in] A reference to a smart pointer to CPKIFCertificate that contains the certificate from which the information will be extracted |
Definition at line 2676 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by AuditPathEvent().
void CAC_API GetCertsFromIssuerAltName | ( | CPKIFCertificate & | cert, | |
CPKIFCertificateNodeList & | certList, | |||
PKIInfoSource | source = REMOTE , |
PathBuildingDirection | pbd = PBD_FORWARD | |||
) |
Referenced by CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval::GetCertificates().
int CAC_API GetCRLfromLDAPURL | ( | const char * | url_in, | |
CPKIFCRLList & | crlList | |||
) |
Referenced by CPKIFLdapCrlNode::GetCrls(), and CPKIFCRLDPRetrieval::GetCRLs().
CPKIFBufferPtr CAC_API GetEncGenNameFromStr | ( | unsigned char * | name, | |
int | nameType | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function takes a pointer to a NULL terminated string representation of a general name and returns an encoded general name.
When specifying an ip address string that is passed in can be of this format: If both mask and ip address is included they have to be separated by / if only ip address is included / is not needed.
This function is used internally. The acceptable values that may be passed via the nameType parameter are defined in the internal header file CertificateExtensions.h. The values are given below for convenience:
define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_otherName 1 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_rfc822Name 2 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_dNSName 3 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_x400Address 4 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_directoryName 5 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_ediPartyName 6 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_uniformResourceIdentifier 7 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_iPAddress 8 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_registeredID 9
Other values will result in a CPKIFException containing the error code COMMON_INVALID_INPUT. There is no support for the EDI party name form.
name | [in] Pointer to a buffer containing a NULL-terminated string representation of a distinguished name |
nameType | [in] Integer value indicating the type of general name present in the name parameter |
Definition at line 2311 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References BuildCACX509V3DistinguishedName(), CACASNWRAPPER_CREATE, COMMON_INVALID_INPUT, ConvertStringToASN1OBJID(), CopyOID(), PKIFNameMemoryHelper::pCACX509V3GN, split(), and TOOLKIT_UTILS.
CAC_API char* GetErrorCodeString | ( | int | errorCode, | |
char * | buf | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function takes an integer error code and an application allocated buffer, resolves the error code to a string description (if possible), copies the string description into the buffer and returns a pointer to the buffer.
errorCode | [in] Integer containing the error code for which a string description is sought |
buf | [in] Pointer to a buffer containing at least MAX_ERROR_CODE_STRING_SIZE bytes in size to receive the string description of the error code passed via errorCode |
Definition at line 3117 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFPathLogger::LogPath(), LogString(), and CPKIFPathLogger::LogValidationResults().
CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr CAC_API GetHashAlgAI | ( | PKIFCRYPTO::HASH_ALG | hashAlgorithm | ) |
Interface: External
This function creates a CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifier object based on the data pased by HASH_ALG parameter and returns a pointer to it.
hashAlgorithm | [in] enum which identifies the hash algorithm |
Definition at line 1331 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References g_md5AI, g_sha1AI, g_sha256AI, g_sha384AI, g_sha512AI, PKIFCRYPTO::MD5, PKIFCRYPTO::SHA1, PKIFCRYPTO::SHA256, PKIFCRYPTO::SHA384, and PKIFCRYPTO::SHA512.
Referenced by CPKIFMessageImprint::HashAndSet().
bool GetLogFile | ( | char * | ppszFilename, | |
unsigned long * | pnLen | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
Helper function retrives log file location from the registry.
ppszFilename | [out] string indicating the location of the log file |
Definition at line 343 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by InitLogging().
void GetLoggingIndicator | ( | DWORD * | value | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
Helper function retrives logging indicator from the registry.
Definition at line 304 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by InitLogging().
CPKIFGeneralNamePtr CAC_API GetPKIFGenNameFromStr | ( | unsigned char * | name, | |
int | nameType | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function takes a pointer to a NULL terminated string representation of a general name and returns a smart pointer to a CPKIFGeneralName object.
When specifying an ip address string that is passed in can be of this format: If both mask and ip address is included they have to be separated by / if only ip address is included / is not needed.
This function is used internally. The acceptable values that may be passed via the nameType parameter are defined in the internal header file CertificateExtensions.h. The values are given below for convenience:
define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_otherName 1 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_rfc822Name 2 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_dNSName 3 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_x400Address 4 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_directoryName 5 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_ediPartyName 6 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_uniformResourceIdentifier 7 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_iPAddress 8 define T_CACX509V3GeneralName_registeredID 9
Other values will result in a CPKIFException containing the error code COMMON_INVALID_INPUT. There is no support for the EDI party name form.
name | [in] Pointer to a buffer containing a NULL-terminated string representation of a distinguished name |
nameType | [in] Integer value indicating the type of general name present in the name parameter |
Definition at line 2072 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References BuildCACX509V3DistinguishedName(), CACASNWRAPPER_CREATE, COMMON_INVALID_INPUT, ConvertStringToASN1OBJID(), CopyOID(), PKIFNameMemoryHelper::pCACX509V3GN, split(), and TOOLKIT_UTILS.
Referenced by CPKIFNameConstraintsEntryDlg::GetNameConstraint().
CPKIFNamePtr CAC_API GetPKIFNameFromStr | ( | unsigned char * | dn | ) |
Interface: External
This function takes a pointer to a NULL terminated string representation of a distinguished name (e.g. c=US, o=Some Company, ou=Some Division, cn=Some Person) and returns a smart pointer to a CPKIFName object.
dn | [in] Pointer to a buffer containing a NULL-terminated string representation of a distinguished name |
Definition at line 1470 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References BuildCACX509V3DistinguishedName(), CACASNWRAPPER_CREATE, COMMON_INVALID_INPUT, PKIFNameMemoryHelper::pCACX509V3Name, and TOOLKIT_UTILS.
Referenced by CollectNamesFromCRLDP(), and CPKIFNameBasedSearch::SetStringName().
BOOL CAC_API GetRequest | ( | const char * | pstrURL, | |
CPKIFBufferPtr & | resp | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that calls PostRequestURL
pstrURL | [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the NULL-terminated host name or IP address of the server to which the request passed via encReq should be posted |
resp | [out] A reference to a smart pointer to CPKIFBuffer containing the OCSP response |
Definition at line 1232 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References PKIF_NONE, and PostRequestURL().
Referenced by RetrieveCertGivenHTTPURL(), and RetrieveCRLGivenHTTPURL().
bool InitAudit | ( | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
This function initializes logging
Definition at line 627 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
References CEventLog::AddEventSource().
bool InitLogging | ( | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that initializes loggin.
The logging functions work as follows. InitLogging is called from DLLMain upon DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. It retrieves the log file name and logging indicator from the registry. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME THE REGISTRY IS CONSULTED DURING THE LIFE OF PKIF.DLL. LogString is called periodically by the various mediators and other components that perform logging. The components pass one of the LOGGING_xxx macros which is checked by LogString and compared to g_loggingIndicator. TerminateLogging is called from DLLMain upon DLL_PROCESS_DETACH. FILE* g_logFile = NULL;
Definition at line 434 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
References AuditString, nsCLog::debug, nsCLog::error, filesize(), GetLogFile(), GetLoggingIndicator(), GetPathLogFile(), nsCLog::info, PKIF_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, PKIF_UTILS, TerminateLogging(), TOOLKIT_PKIF_DLL, and nsCLog::warning.
Referenced by InitPKIF().
bool CAC_API InitPKIF | ( | void | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
This function initializes global OIDs and PKIF logging
Definition at line 264 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
References InitGlobalOIDs(), and InitLogging().
void CAC_API keyUsageChecker_AnyEE | ( | const CPKIFCertificateNodeEntryPtr & | certNode, | |
CPKIFPathValidationResults & | results, | |||
CertificateType | type | |||
) |
GIB: move to ToolkitUtils since it's used outside CMS Interface: Subsystem
This function is intended for use as a functor for use during path validation to handle key usage extensions with any bits set. This function will extract the certificate from the certNode parameter and mark the key usage extension present in the certificate as processed if present the extension is present and any bits are set.
certNode | [in] Pointer to the certificate node |
results | [in] Reference to a CPKIFPathValidationResults object containing the result information that should be written to the log |
type | [in] CertificateType value indicating the type of certificate, e.g. EE or CA |
Definition at line 3585 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References PKIFENUMS::EE.
bool keyUsageTest | ( | BYTE | keyUse[2], | |
bitset< 9 > * | ku | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that determines if key usage equeals to one of the following:
Definition at line 2979 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFNSS::GetKeyList(), CPKIFCNGCAPI::GetKeyList(), and CPKIFCAPI2::GetKeyList().
void CAC_API LogString | ( | const char * | errorMessage, | |
DWORD | subcomponentID, | |||
DWORD | errorCode, | |||
const void * | objectPointer, | |||
nsCLog::eSeverity | threshold, | |||
const char * | fileName, | |||
int | lineNumber | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function is not used by applications. It is only used in debug builds of PKIF for internal test purposes.
errorMessage | [in] A NULL terminated string. |
subcomponentID | DWORD |
errorCode | DWORD |
objectPointer | [in] Pointer to the object generating the log record |
threshold | [in] Type of log event |
fileName | [in] A NULL terminated string. |
lineNumber | [in] Integer value indicating the line number where the error occurred. |
Definition at line 536 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediator | ( | bool | isService, | |
CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr & | trustedResponder, | |||
CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr & | aiaColleague | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function creates a collection of mediators each containing the default colleague associations. When the isService parameter is true, all CAPI resources are targeted to CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE resources instead of the default CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER resources. When a trustedResponder is specified, the provided CPKIFOCSPChecker object is placed at the front of the list of revocation information sources consulted when performing certification path validation. When a aiaColleague is specified, the provided CPKIFOCSPChecker object is used for AIA-based OCSP responders.
The following interfaces will be available via mediator objects returned by this function:
Crypto interfaces: IPKIFCryptoMisc, IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations, IPKIFDefaultKeyManagement, IPKIFCryptoRawOperations
Cache interfaces: IPKIFTrustCache, IPKIFCertRepository, IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate, IPKIFCRLRepository, IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate, IPKIFCertSearch
Path interfaces: IPKIFPathValidate, IPKIFPathBuild, IPKIFDefaultPathManagement, IPKIFPathBuildAndValidate
Revocation status interfaces: IPKIFRevocationStatus
This function is TSP enforcing.
isService | [in] Boolean value indicating that the requested mediator is intended for use in a Windows service |
trustedResponder | [in] Pointer to a CPKIFOCSPChecker object that serves as a trusted responder |
aiaColleague | [out] Pointer to a CPKIFOCSPChecker object that handles AIA-based responders. |
Definition at line 433 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References g_defCACCAPIStore, g_defCACCAPITrustStore, CPKIFBCryptGuard::IsCNGAvailable(), LOG_STRING_DEBUG, and TOOLKIT_UTILS_SUBCOMPONENT.
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediator | ( | bool | isService, | |
CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr & | trustedResponder | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function simple calls IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediator( bool isService, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& trustedResponder, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& aiaColleague) passing a NULL parameter for the aiaColleague parameters.
This function is TSP enforcing.
isService | [in] Boolean value indicating that the requested mediator is intended for use in a Windows service |
trustedResponder | [in] Pointer to a CPKIFOCSPChecker object that serves as a trusted responder |
Definition at line 388 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References MakeDefaultMediator().
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediator | ( | bool | isService | ) |
Interface: External
This function simple calls IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediator( bool isService, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& trustedResponder, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& aiaColleague) passing a NULL parameter for the trustedResponder and aiaColleague parameters.
This function is TSP enforcing.
isService | [in] Boolean value indicating that the requested mediator is intended for use in a Windows service |
Definition at line 364 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References MakeDefaultMediator().
Referenced by GetCredential(), MakeDefaultMediator(), and CPKIFCredentialSelectorDlg::OnInitDialog().
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediatorNSS | ( | const char * | dbdir, | |
CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr & | trustedResponder, | |||
CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr & | aiaColleague | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function creates a collection of NSS only mediators. When a trustedResponder is specified, a CPKIFOCSPChecker object is created and placed at the front of the list of revocation information sources consulted when performing certification path validation. When a aiaColleague is specified, a CPKIFOCSPChecker object is created and used for AIA-based OCSP responders.
The following interfaces will be available via mediator objects returned by this function:
Crypto interfaces: IPKIFCryptoMisc, IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations, IPKIFDefaultKeyManagement, IPKIFCryptoRawOperations
Cache interfaces: IPKIFTrustCache, IPKIFCertRepository, IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate, IPKIFCRLRepository, IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate, IPKIFCertSearch
Path interfaces: IPKIFPathValidate, IPKIFPathBuild, IPKIFDefaultPathManagement, IPKIFPathBuildAndValidate
Revocation status interfaces: IPKIFRevocationStatus
dbdir | [in] A NULL terminated string containing the location of NSS db |
trustedResponder | [in] Pointer to a CPKIFOCSPChecker object that serves as a trusted responder |
aiaColleague | [in] Pointer to a CPKIFOCSPChecker object that handles AIA-based responders. |
Definition at line 774 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediatorNSS | ( | const char * | db, | |
CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr & | trustedResponder | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function simply calls IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediatorNSS(const char *dbdir, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& trustedResponder, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& aiaColleague) passing an NULL pointer for the aiaColleague parameter.
Definition at line 739 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References MakeDefaultMediatorNSS().
CAC_API IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediatorNSS | ( | const char * | db | ) |
Interface: External
This function simply calls IPKIFMediatorPtr MakeDefaultMediatorNSS(const char *dbdir, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& trustedResponder, CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr& aiaColleague) passing an NULL pointer for the trustedResponder and aiaColleague parameters.
Definition at line 722 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References MakeDefaultMediatorNSS().
Referenced by MakeDefaultMediatorNSS().
bool ModeRequiresIV | ( | PKIFCRYPTO::SYMKEY_MODE | mode | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
Thos function checks if a symmetric mode requires an IV
mode | [in] Mode |
Definition at line 234 of file CACCMSUtils.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFEncryptedData::Decrypt().
BOOL CAC_API PostRequest | ( | CPKIFBufferPtr & | encTSR, | |
CPKIFBufferPtr & | resp, | |||
const char * | pstrServer, | |||
int | port, | |||
const char * | pstrObject, | |||
PKIFServiceType | pst | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function is used to post requests to a server using HTTP. This function can be used to submit the following types of requests: timestamp (RFC3161), TAP (PKIX I-D), OCSP (RFC 2560).
The pst value is used to determine the headers that to use.
encTSR | [in] Reference to a smart pointer to a CPKIFBuffer object containing the request to submit to the server identified by the pStrServer parameter |
resp | [out] Reference to a smart pointer to a CPKIFBuffer object to receive the response from the server |
pstrServer | [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the NULL-terminated host name or IP address of the server to which the request passed via encReq should be posted |
port | [in] Integer indicating the port to which the request should be posted on the server identified by the pStrServer parameter |
pstrObject | [in] Pointer to a NULL-terminated string indicating the object to which the request is being posted, e.g. a CGI script, or NULL |
pst | [in] PKIFServiceType value indicating the type of request passed via encTSR |
Definition at line 1183 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
BOOL CAC_API PostRequestURL | ( | CPKIFBufferPtr & | encTSR, | |
CPKIFBufferPtr & | resp, | |||
const char * | pstrURL, | |||
PKIFServiceType | pst | |||
) |
Interface: External
This function is a convenience function that parses the URL passed via pStrURL and invoked the PostRequest function.
The pst value is used to determine the headers that to use.
The return value does not indicate the status of the request itself, e.g. the response returned via resp may indicate failure.
encTSR | [in] Reference to a smart pointer to a CPKIFBuffer object containing the request to submit to the server identified by the pStrServer parameter |
resp | [out] Reference to a smart pointer to a CPKIFBuffer object to receive the response from the server |
pstrURL | [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the NULL-terminated host name or IP address of the server to which the request passed via encReq should be posted |
pst | [in] PKIFServiceType value indicating the type of request passed via encTSR |
Definition at line 980 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
References PKIFHTTP::AddBlacklistedHttpServer(), COMMON_URL_OPERATION_FAILED, g_ocspHeaders, g_scvpHeaders, g_scvpValPolHeaders, g_tspHeaders, PKIFHTTP::IsHttpServerBlacklisted(), LOG_STRING_ERROR, PKIF_NONE, PKIF_OCSP, PKIF_SCVP, PKIF_SCVP_VAL_POL, PKIF_TSA, RETURN, TOOLKIT_UTILS, and WriteCB().
Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuildAndValidate::BuildAndValidatePath(), CPKIFScvpPathBuild::BuildPath(), IPKIFScvpClient::FetchValPol(), GetRequest(), and PostRequest().
void RemoveParentRelationships | ( | std::vector< IPKIFColleaguePtr > & | modules, | |
IPKIFMediator * | mediator | |||
) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that removes parent relationship
modules | [in]A vector containing the list of modules |
mediator | [in]Pointer to an IPKIFMediator object |
Definition at line 3016 of file ToolkitUtils.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFCacheMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2::Terminate(), CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::Terminate(), and CPKIFCryptoMediator2::Terminate().
bool CAC_API RetrieveCertGivenHTTPURL | ( | const char * | url, | |
CPKIFCertificateNodeList & | certNodeList | |||
) |
url | [in] A NULL terminated string containing URL |
certNodeList | [out] Certificate list to which the certs will be added |
Referenced by CPKIFHttpCertNode::GetCertificates(), and GetCertsFromIssuerAltName().
bool TerminateAudit | ( | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that terminates auditing
Definition at line 711 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
bool TerminateLogging | ( | ) |
Interface: Subsystem
This is a helper function that terminates loggin
Definition at line 615 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by InitLogging().
Definition at line 819 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
Definition at line 818 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_aes128Wrap |
Definition at line 825 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), CPKIFAlgorithm::init(), UnwrapSymmKey(), and WrapSymmKey().
Definition at line 821 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
Definition at line 820 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_aes192Wrap |
Definition at line 826 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), CPKIFAlgorithm::init(), UnwrapSymmKey(), and WrapSymmKey().
Definition at line 823 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
Definition at line 822 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_aes256Wrap |
Definition at line 827 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), CPKIFAlgorithm::init(), UnwrapSymmKey(), and WrapSymmKey().
Definition at line 859 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval::GetCertificateSources(), and GetCertsFromIssuerAltName().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_aiaCARepository |
Definition at line 860 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAiaOrSiaRetrieval::GetCertificateSources(), and GetCertsFromIssuerAltName().
Definition at line 856 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by EKUChecker_OcspSigning(), EKUChecker_Timestamp(), EKUChecker_TimestampTSP(), and CPKIFTimestampVerifier::Verify().
CAC_API CPKIFPolicyInformationPtr g_anyPolicy |
Definition at line 876 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CheckPolicies(), RowContainsAnyPolicy(), SomeMatch(), and CPKIFPathValidator2::ValidatePath().
Definition at line 858 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_archiveTokenAttribute |
Definition at line 849 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_authenticatedData |
Definition at line 839 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_authEnvelopedData |
Definition at line 841 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_binarySigningTimeAttribute |
Definition at line 850 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFBinarySigningTimeAttribute::GetOID().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_compressedData |
Definition at line 838 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_contentCollection |
Definition at line 836 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFContentCollection::CPKIFContentCollection().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_contentInfo |
Definition at line 830 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFContentInfo::CPKIFContentInfo().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_contentTypeAttribute |
Definition at line 844 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by AddSignedAttributes(), and CPKIFContentTypeAttribute::GetOID().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_contentWithAttributes |
Definition at line 837 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFContentWithAttributes::CPKIFContentWithAttributes().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_countersignatureAttribute |
Definition at line 847 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFCountersignatureAttribute::GetOID().
Definition at line 831 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by AddSignedAttributes(), Countersign(), CPKIFEncapsulatedContentInfo::CPKIFEncapsulatedContentInfo(), and CPKIFEncryptedContentInfo::CPKIFEncryptedContentInfo().
Definition at line 813 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
Definition at line 816 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_digestedData |
Definition at line 840 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Definition at line 788 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFOCSPRequest::Encode(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
Definition at line 786 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_dsaWithSHA1Alternative |
Definition at line 787 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and GetOIDString().
Definition at line 790 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdh_cofactor_sha1kdf |
Definition at line 801 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdh_std_sha1kdf |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdh_std_sha256kdf |
Definition at line 803 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFCryptoPP::DeriveKey(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), CPKIFAlgorithm::init(), and CPKIFCryptoPP::SecretAgree().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdh_std_sha384kdf |
Definition at line 804 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFCryptoPP::DeriveKey(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), CPKIFAlgorithm::init(), and CPKIFCryptoPP::SecretAgree().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdsa_params |
Definition at line 793 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdsa_rec |
Definition at line 792 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdsa_sha1 |
Definition at line 791 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdsa_sha224 |
Definition at line 794 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdsa_sha256 |
Definition at line 795 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdsa_sha384 |
Definition at line 796 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecdsa_sha512 |
Definition at line 797 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ecmqv_sha1kdf |
Definition at line 802 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by GetSymmetricKey(), and CPKIFCryptoPP::SecretAgree().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_encryptedData |
Definition at line 834 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFEncryptedData::CPKIFEncryptedData().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_envelopedData |
Definition at line 833 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFEnvelopedData::CPKIFEnvelopedData().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_md2WithRSAEncryption |
Definition at line 779 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by GetAlgClass(), and GetOIDString().
Definition at line 811 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFSCVPCertID::CalculateCertHash(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr g_md5AI |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_md5WithRSAEncryption |
Definition at line 780 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_messageDigestAttribute |
Definition at line 845 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by AddSignedAttributes(), CompareHashes(), and CPKIFMessageDigestAttribute::GetOID().
CAC_API unsigned char g_nullParams[] |
Definition at line 879 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFTSTInfo::Encode(), CPKIFTimeStampRequest::Encode(), CPKIFTBSRequest::Encode(), and CPKIFEvidenceRecord::Encode().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_ocspSigningEKU |
Definition at line 789 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_secp224r1 |
Definition at line 863 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_secp256r1 |
Definition at line 864 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_secp384r1 |
Definition at line 865 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_secp521r1 |
Definition at line 866 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Definition at line 806 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr g_sha1AI |
Definition at line 872 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by _CreateComplexOCSPRequest(), _CreateSimpleOCSPRequest(), CPKIFMessageImprint::CPKIFMessageImprint(), CPKIFSignerInfo::CPKIFSignerInfo(), and GetHashAlgAI().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha1WithRSAEncryption |
Definition at line 781 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFOCSPRequest::Encode(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha224 |
Definition at line 807 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha224WithRSAEncryption |
Definition at line 782 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha256 |
Definition at line 808 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFSCVPCertID::CalculateCertHash(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr g_sha256AI |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha256WithRSAEncryption |
Definition at line 783 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha384 |
Definition at line 809 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFSCVPCertID::CalculateCertHash(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr g_sha384AI |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha384WithRSAEncryption |
Definition at line 784 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha512 |
Definition at line 810 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFSCVPCertID::CalculateCertHash(), CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetOIDString(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFAlgorithmIdentifierPtr g_sha512AI |
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_sha512WithRSAEncryption |
Definition at line 785 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), GetAlgClass(), GetOIDString(), GetSignerInfo(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_signedData |
Definition at line 832 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuildAndValidate::BuildAndValidatePath(), CPKIFScvpPathBuild::BuildPath(), CPKIFSignedData::CPKIFSignedData(), VerifyResponseSignature(), and IPKIFScvpClient::VerifyValPol().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_signingCertificateAttribute |
Definition at line 851 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFSigningCertificateAttribute::GetOID().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_signingTimeAttribute |
Definition at line 846 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFSigningTimeAttribute::GetOID().
Definition at line 814 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
Definition at line 815 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFAlgorithm::GetAlg(), and CPKIFAlgorithm::init().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_timestampAttribute |
Definition at line 848 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by CPKIFTimestampAttribute::GetOID().
CAC_API CPKIFOIDPtr g_timestampingEKU |
Definition at line 854 of file ToolkitUtils_logging.cpp.
Referenced by EKUChecker_Timestamp(), EKUChecker_TimestampTSP(), and CPKIFTimestampVerifier::Verify().