
Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 #include "PKIFCertStatus.h"
00010 #include "ToolkitUtils.h"
00011 #include "components.h"
00012 #include "RevocationSource.h"
00014 #include <iterator>
00017 struct CPKIFCertStatusImpl {
00018     int m_nErrorCode;
00019     bool m_bSigVerified;
00020     RevocationStatus m_revStatus;
00021     bool m_bValChecks;
00022     bool m_bIsTrustAnchor;
00024     IPKIFRevSourceInfoPtr m_revSource;
00025     int m_revSourceType;
00027     RevocationSourceList m_rsl;
00028 };
00037 CPKIFCertStatus::CPKIFCertStatus():m_impl(new CPKIFCertStatusImpl) 
00038 {
00039     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFCertStatus::CPKIFCertStatus()", TOOLKIT_PATH_MISC, 0, this);
00041     m_impl->m_nErrorCode = 0;
00042     m_impl->m_bSigVerified = false;
00043     m_impl->m_revStatus = NOT_CHECKED;
00044     m_impl->m_bValChecks = false;
00045     m_impl->m_bIsTrustAnchor = false;
00046 }
00054 CPKIFCertStatus::~CPKIFCertStatus()
00055 {
00056     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFCertStatus::~CPKIFCertStatus()", TOOLKIT_PATH_MISC, 0, this);
00057     delete m_impl;
00058     m_impl = '\0';
00059 }
00068 int CPKIFCertStatus::GetDiagnosticCode() const 
00069 {
00070     return m_impl->m_nErrorCode;
00071 }
00072 //changed 3/9/2004 (int to void)
00081 void CPKIFCertStatus::SetDiagnosticCode(
00083     int errorCode) 
00084 {
00085     m_impl->m_nErrorCode = errorCode;
00086 }
00094 bool CPKIFCertStatus::GetSignatureVerified() const 
00095 {
00096     return m_impl->m_bSigVerified;
00097 }
00105 void CPKIFCertStatus::SetSignatureVerified(
00107     bool sigVerified) 
00108 {
00109     m_impl->m_bSigVerified = sigVerified;
00110 }
00119 RevocationStatus CPKIFCertStatus::GetRevocationStatus() const 
00120 {
00121     return m_impl->m_revStatus;
00122 }
00131 void CPKIFCertStatus::SetRevocationStatus(
00133     RevocationStatus revStatus) 
00134 {
00135     m_impl->m_revStatus = revStatus;
00136 }
00145 bool CPKIFCertStatus::GetPassedValidationChecks() const 
00146 {
00147     return m_impl->m_bValChecks;
00148 }
00157 void CPKIFCertStatus::SetPassedValidationChecks(
00159     bool valChecks) 
00160 {
00161     m_impl->m_bValChecks = valChecks;
00162 }
00172 bool CPKIFCertStatus::GetIsTrustAnchor()const
00173 {
00174     return m_impl->m_bIsTrustAnchor;
00175 }
00185 void CPKIFCertStatus::SetIsTrustAnchor(
00187     bool isTrustAnchor)
00188 {
00189     m_impl->m_bIsTrustAnchor = isTrustAnchor;
00190 }
00198 void CPKIFCertStatus::AddRevocationSource(
00200     int revSourceType, 
00203     IPKIFRevSourceInfoPtr& revSource, 
00206     RevocationStatus status, 
00208     int errorCode)
00209 {
00210     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFCertStatus::AddRevocationSource", TOOLKIT_PATH_MISC, 0, this);
00212     RevocationSourcePtr rsp(new RevocationSource);
00213     rsp->m_sourceType = revSourceType;
00214     rsp->m_sourceInfo = revSource;
00215     rsp->m_status = status;
00216     rsp->m_errorCode = errorCode;
00218     m_impl->m_rsl.push_back(rsp);
00219 }
00227 void CPKIFCertStatus::GetRevocationSources(
00230     RevocationSourceList& rsl)
00231 {
00232     rsl.clear();
00233     copy(m_impl->m_rsl.begin(), m_impl->m_rsl.end(), back_inserter(rsl));
00234 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:46 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6