
Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 #include "PKIFPathLogger.h"
00012 #include "ToolkitUtils.h"
00013 #include "components.h"
00015 #include "PKIFCertificateNodeEntry.h"
00016 #include "Certificate.h"
00017 #include "Name.h"
00018 #include "Validity.h"
00019 #include "PolicyInformation.h"
00020 #include "PKIFTime.h"
00021 #include "BuilderStatistics.h"
00022 #include "PKIFCertificatePath.h"
00023 #include "PKIFCertStatus.h"
00024 #include "RevocationSource.h"
00025 #include "PKIFCRLInfo.h"
00026 #include "CRL.h"
00027 #include "CRLEntry.h"
00028 #include "PKIFOCSPInfo.h"
00029 #include "OCSPResponse.h"
00030 #include "ResponseBytes.h"
00031 #include "BasicOCSPResponse.h"
00032 #include "ResponseData.h"
00033 #include "ResponderID.h"
00034 #include "SingleResponse.h"
00035 #include "CertID.h"
00036 #include "PKIFTrustRoot.h"
00037 #include "PKIFPathSettings.h"
00038 #include "CSingletonLDAPConnection.h"
00039 #include "HttpServerBlacklist.h"
00041 #include "Buffer.h"
00042 #include "OID.h"
00043 #include "AlgorithmIdentifier.h"
00044 #include "PathResults.h"
00046 #include "ooasn1.h"
00047 #include "asn1ber.h"
00048 #include "OCSP.h"
00050 #include <iostream>
00051 #include <fstream>
00052 #include <sstream>
00054 #include "log4cxx/logger.h"
00055 #endif
00058 #include "boost/thread/recursive_mutex.hpp"
00060 using namespace std;
00061 using namespace boost;
00063 boost::recursive_mutex g_me;
00073 CPKIFPathLogger::CPKIFPathLogger(void)
00074 {
00075     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathLogger::CPKIFPathLogger()", TOOLKIT_PATH_MISC, 0, this);
00076 }
00085 CPKIFPathLogger::~CPKIFPathLogger()
00086 {
00087     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathLogger::~CPKIFPathLogger()", TOOLKIT_PATH_MISC, 0, this);
00089 }
00091 // XXX TODO Clean this logging stuff up.  We probably want something a little more elegant.
00092 //extern std::ofstream* g_pathLogFile; //handled in ToolkitUtils.cpp
00093 //workaround so this compiles for Armen
00094 std::ostringstream g_pathLogFile;
00096 void PrintCertInfo(
00098     CPKIFCertificatePtr& cert,
00100     char* token, 
00102     ostream* o)
00103 {
00104     *o << token << "Issuer DN\t: " << cert->Issuer()->ToString() << endl;
00105     *o << token << "Serial Number\t: " << cert->SerialNumber() << endl;
00106     *o << token << "Subject DN\t: " << cert->Subject()->ToString() << endl;
00107     *o << token << "Not Before\t: " << cert->Validity()->notBefore()->GetTime() << endl;
00108     *o << token << "Not After\t: " << cert->Validity()->notAfter()->GetTime() << endl;
00109 }
00119 void PrintCertInfo(
00121     CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry& certNode,
00123     char* token, 
00125     ostream* o)
00126 {
00127     CPKIFCertificatePtr cert = certNode.GetCert();
00128     PrintCertInfo(cert, token, o);
00129 }
00137 void DumpPolicyTable(
00139     const vector<CPKIFPolicyInformationListPtr>& authSet, 
00141     ostream* o )
00142 {
00143     vector<CPKIFPolicyInformationListPtr>::const_iterator authSetPos;
00144     vector<CPKIFPolicyInformationListPtr>::const_iterator authSetEnd = authSet.end();
00145     int rowCount = 0;
00146     for(authSetPos = authSet.begin(); authSetPos != authSetEnd; ++authSetPos,++rowCount)
00147     {
00148         *o << "\t+ Row: " << rowCount << endl;
00149         CPKIFPolicyInformationList::const_iterator authSetPolPos;
00150         CPKIFPolicyInformationList::const_iterator authSetPolEnd = (*authSetPos)->end();
00151         for(authSetPolPos = (*authSetPos)->begin(); authSetPolPos != authSetPolEnd; ++authSetPolPos)
00152         {
00153             *o << "\t\t* " << (*authSetPolPos)->PolicyOID()->ToString() << endl;
00154         }
00155     }
00156     if(authSet.empty())
00157         *o << "\t+ Empty" << endl;
00159 }
00167 void DumpPolicySet(
00169     CPKIFPolicyInformationListPtr& polSet, 
00171     ostream* o )
00172 {
00173     if(polSet == (CPKIFPolicyInformationList*)NULL)
00174     {
00175         *o << "\t+ NULL" << endl;
00176         return;
00177     }
00179     if(polSet->empty())
00180     {
00181         *o << "\t+ Empty" << endl;
00182         return;
00183     }
00185     CPKIFPolicyInformationList::const_iterator authSetPolPos;
00186     CPKIFPolicyInformationList::const_iterator authSetPolEnd = polSet->end();
00187     for(authSetPolPos = polSet->begin(); authSetPolPos != authSetPolEnd; ++authSetPolPos)
00188     {
00189         *o << "\t+ " << (*authSetPolPos)->PolicyOID()->ToString() << endl;
00190     }
00191 }
00201 void CPKIFPathLogger::LogPath(
00204     CPKIFCertificatePath& path, 
00207     const char* appInfo, 
00209     ostream* out)
00210 {
00213     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(g_me);
00214     ostream* o = out;
00215     bool bClearGlobal = false;
00216     // using NULL here generates a warning in GCC. 0 is the official c++ standard way.
00217     if(0 == o && 0 != g_pathLogFile.tellp())
00218     {
00219         //this should not be necessary.  when this function is invoked such that the output
00220         //lands in the log4cxx goo, o is passed by LogValidationResults.  if this path is ever executed,
00221         //the string buffer isn't logged or cleared.
00222         //o = &g_pathLogFile;
00223     }
00224     if(0 == o)
00225         return;
00227     char errBuf[MAX_ERROR_CODE_STRING_SIZE];
00229     //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00230     // print info from path
00231     //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00232     *o << endl;
00233     *o << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00234     if(NULL != appInfo)
00235         *o << appInfo << endl;
00236     *o << "Printing information from certificate path" << endl;
00237     *o << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00238     CPKIFBuilderStatisticsPtr bs;
00239     path.GetBuilderStats(bs);
00240     if(bs != (CPKIFBuilderStatistics*)NULL)
00241     {
00242         *o << "- Discovered " << bs->m_nTotalPathsDiscovered << " total paths." << endl;
00243         *o << "- Discovered " << bs->m_nPathsRejectedDueToValidationErrors << " paths that failed basic validation checks." << endl;
00244         *o << "- Returned " << bs->m_nReturnedPaths << " paths for external inspection." << endl;
00246         if(0 < bs->m_nPathsRejectedDueToValidationErrors)
00247         {
00248             vector<int>::iterator fPos = bs->m_vFailureCodes.begin();
00249             vector<int>::iterator fEnd = bs->m_vFailureCodes.end();
00250             *o << "The following diagnostic codes were associated with the validation failures: ";
00251             for(;fPos != fEnd; ++fPos)
00252             {
00253                 *o << *fPos;
00254                 if(fPos + 1 == fEnd)
00255                     *o << "." << endl;
00256                 else
00257                     *o << ", ";
00258             }
00259         }
00260     }
00261     else
00262         *o << "- No builder statistics available" << endl;
00264     std::vector<std::string> blacklist;
00265     PKIFLDAP::GetServerBlacklist(blacklist);
00267     *o << "- Blacklisted LDAP servers: ";
00268     if(!blacklist.empty())
00269     {
00270         std::vector<std::string>::iterator blPos;
00271         std::vector<std::string>::iterator blEnd = blacklist.end();
00272         for(blPos = blacklist.begin(); blPos != blEnd; ++blPos)
00273         {
00274             if(blPos != blacklist.begin())
00275                 *o << ", ";
00276             *o << (*blPos).c_str();
00277         }
00278         *o << endl;
00279     }
00280     else
00281     {
00282         *o << "none" << endl;
00283     }
00285     blacklist.clear();
00286     PKIFHTTP::GetHttpServerBlacklist(blacklist);
00288     *o << "- Blacklisted HTTP servers: ";
00289     if(!blacklist.empty())
00290     {
00291         std::vector<std::string>::iterator blPos;
00292         std::vector<std::string>::iterator blEnd = blacklist.end();
00293         for(blPos = blacklist.begin(); blPos != blEnd; ++blPos)
00294         {
00295             if(blPos != blacklist.begin())
00296                 *o << ", ";
00297             *o << (*blPos).c_str();
00298         }
00299         *o << endl;
00300     }
00301     else
00302     {
00303         *o << "none" << endl;
00304     }
00306     CPKIFCertificateNodeList certList;
00307     path.GetPath(certList);
00309     *o << "- Dumping certificate path and certificate status info" << endl;
00311     //output trust anchor details
00312     IPKIFTrustAnchorPtr root;
00313     path.GetTrustRoot(root);
00314     if(root)
00315     {
00316         *o << "\t+  Trust Anchor" << endl;
00318         CPKIFCertificatePtr rootCert;
00319         CPKIFTrustRootPtr taPtr = dynamic_pointer_cast<CPKIFTrustRoot, IPKIFTrustAnchor>(root);
00320         if(taPtr)
00321         {
00322             taPtr->GetCert(rootCert);
00323         }
00325         if(rootCert)
00326         {
00327             PrintCertInfo(rootCert, "\t\t* ", o);
00328         }
00329         else
00330         {
00331             *o << "\t\t* " << "Trust Anchor DN\t: " << root->GetSubjectName()->ToString() << endl;
00332         }
00333     }
00335     CPKIFCertificateNodeList::iterator pos;
00336     CPKIFCertificateNodeList::iterator end = certList.end();
00337     int ii = 1;
00338     for(pos = certList.begin(); pos != end; ++pos, ++ii)
00339     {
00340         *o << "\t+  Certificate #" << ii << endl;
00342         PrintCertInfo(*(*pos), "\t\t* ", o);
00344         PKIInfoSource source = (*pos)->GetSource();
00345         *o << "\t\t\t+ Source: ";
00346         switch(source)
00347         {
00348         case LOCAL:
00349             *o << "LOCAL" << endl;
00350             break;
00351         case REMOTE:
00352             *o << "REMOTE" << endl;
00353             break;
00354         case ALL:
00355             *o << "ALL" << endl;
00356             break;
00357         default:
00358             *o << "UNKNOWN" << endl;
00359             break;
00360         }
00362         *o << "\t\t\t+ Builder score: " << (*pos)->GetScore() << endl;
00364         vector<string> sourceURIs;
00365         (*pos)->GetSources(sourceURIs);
00366         if(!sourceURIs.empty())
00367         {
00368             *o << "\t\t\t+ Retrieved from: "; 
00369             vector<string>::iterator uriPos;
00370             vector<string>::iterator uriEnd = sourceURIs.end();
00371             for(uriPos = sourceURIs.begin(); uriPos != uriEnd; ++uriPos)
00372             {
00373                 if(sourceURIs.begin() != uriPos)
00374                     *o << ", ";
00375                 *o << *uriPos;
00376             }
00377             *o << endl;
00378         }
00380         CPKIFCertStatusPtr posStatus = (*pos)->GetStatus();
00381         if(posStatus == (CPKIFCertStatus*)NULL)
00382         {
00383             *o << "\t\t\t+ NO CERT STATUS INFO" << endl;
00384             continue;
00385         }
00386         if(posStatus->GetIsTrustAnchor())
00387             *o << "\t\t\t+ Is a trust anchor" << endl;
00388         else
00389             *o << "\t\t\t+ Is not a trust anchor" << endl;
00391         *o << "\t\t\t+ diagnostic code: " << posStatus->GetDiagnosticCode() << " : " << GetErrorCodeString(posStatus->GetDiagnosticCode(), errBuf) << endl;
00393         if(posStatus->GetPassedValidationChecks())
00394             *o << "\t\t\t+ Basic checks successfully performed" << endl;
00395         else
00396             *o << "\t\t\t+ Basic checks not successfully performed" << endl;
00398         if(posStatus->GetSignatureVerified())
00399             *o << "\t\t\t+ Signature successfully verified" << endl;
00400         else
00401             *o << "\t\t\t+ Signature not successfully verified" << endl;
00403         RevocationStatus rs = posStatus->GetRevocationStatus();
00404         switch(rs)
00405         {
00406         case REVOKED:
00407             *o << "\t\t\t+ Revocation status: REVOKED" << endl;
00408             break;
00409         case NOT_CHECKED:
00410             *o << "\t\t\t+ Revocation status: NOT CHECKED" << endl;
00411             break;
00412         case NOT_REVOKED:
00413             *o << "\t\t\t+ Revocation status: NOT REVOKED" << endl;
00414             break;
00415         case SERVER_CHECKED:
00416             *o << "\t\t\t+ Revocation status: SERVER CHECKED" << endl;
00417             break;
00418         default:
00419             *o << "\t\t\t+ Revocation status: UNKNOWN" << endl;
00420         }
00422         //revocation sources
00423         RevocationSourceList rsl;
00424         posStatus->GetRevocationSources(rsl);
00426         RevocationSourceList::iterator rslPos;
00427         RevocationSourceList::iterator rslEnd = rsl.end();
00428         int count = 0;
00429         for(rslPos = rsl.begin(), count = 1; rslPos != rslEnd; ++rslPos, ++count)
00430         {
00431             *o << "\t\t\t+ Revocation source #" << count << endl;
00432             *o << "\t\t\t\t- Revocation source error code: " << (*rslPos)->m_errorCode << " : " << GetErrorCodeString((*rslPos)->m_errorCode, errBuf) << endl;
00433             *o << "\t\t\t\t- Revocation source type: " << (*rslPos)->m_sourceType << endl;
00434             switch((*rslPos)->m_status)
00435             {
00436             case REVOKED:
00437                 *o << "\t\t\t\t- Revocation source status: REVOKED" << endl;
00438                 break;
00439             case NOT_REVOKED:
00440                 *o << "\t\t\t\t- Revocation source status: NOT_REVOKED" << endl;
00441                 break;
00442             case NOT_CHECKED:
00443                 *o << "\t\t\t\t- Revocation source status: NOT_CHECKED" << endl;
00444                 break;
00445             case SERVER_CHECKED:
00446                 *o << "\t\t\t\t- Revocation source status: SERVER_CHECKED" << endl;
00447                 break;
00448             }
00450             IPKIFRevSourceInfoPtr rsip = (*rslPos)->m_sourceInfo;
00451             switch((*rslPos)->m_sourceType)
00452             {
00453             case REVSOURCE_CRL:
00454                 {
00456                     CPKIFCRLInfoPtr crlInfo = RevInfoCast<CPKIFCRLInfo>(rsip);
00458                     CPKIFCRLList crls;
00459                     crlInfo->GetCRLs(crls);
00461                     CPKIFCRLList::iterator crlPos;
00462                     CPKIFCRLList::iterator crlEnd = crls.end();
00463                     int crlCount = 1;
00464                     for(crlPos = crls.begin(); crlPos != crlEnd; ++crlPos, ++crlCount)
00465                     {
00466                         *o << "\t\t\t\t- CRL #" << crlCount << endl;
00467                         *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ CRL issuer: " << (*crlPos)->Issuer()->ToString() << endl;
00468                         CPKIFTimePtr thisUpdate = (*crlPos)->ThisUpdate();
00469                         if(thisUpdate != (CPKIFTime*)NULL)
00470                         {
00471                             *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ thisUpdate: " << thisUpdate->GetTime() << endl;
00472                         }
00473                         CPKIFTimePtr nextUpdate = (*crlPos)->NextUpdate();
00474                         if(nextUpdate != (CPKIFTime*)NULL)
00475                         {
00476                             *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ nextUpdate: " << nextUpdate->GetTime() << endl;
00477                         }
00478                     }
00480                     CPKIFCRLEntryPtr crlEntry = crlInfo->GetCRLEntry();
00481                     if(/*REVOKED == (*rslPos)->m_status*/crlEntry != (CPKIFCRLEntry*)NULL)
00482                     {
00483                         *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ serial number from CRL entry: " << crlEntry->SerialNumber() << endl;
00484                         CPKIFTimePtr revDate = crlEntry->RevocationDate();
00485                         if(revDate != (CPKIFTime*)NULL)
00486                         {
00487                             *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ revocation date from CRL entry: " << revDate->GetTime() << endl;
00488                         }
00489                     }
00490                 }
00491                 break;
00492             case REVSOURCE_OCSP:
00493                 {
00494                     if(rsip != (IPKIFRevSourceInfo*)NULL)
00495                     {
00496                         CPKIFOCSPInfoPtr ocspInfo = RevInfoCast<CPKIFOCSPInfo>(rsip);
00498                         if(ocspInfo != (CPKIFOCSPInfo*)NULL)
00499                         {
00500                             //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00501                             //  general response information
00502                             //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00503                             CPKIFOCSPResponsePtr ocspResponse = ocspInfo->GetOCSPResponse();
00504                             if(ocspResponse != (CPKIFOCSPResponse*)NULL)
00505                             {
00506                                 *o << "\t\t\t\t- OCSP response information:" << endl;
00507                                 char statusString[30];
00508                                 OCSPResponseStatus ors = ocspResponse->GetResponseStatus();
00509                                 switch(ors)
00510                                 {
00511                                 case successful:
00512                                     //reviewed 4/24
00513                                     strcpy(statusString, "successful");
00514                                     break;
00515                                 case malformedRequest:
00516                                     //reviewed 4/24
00517                                     strcpy(statusString, "malformedRequest");
00518                                     break;
00519                                 case internalError:
00520                                     //reviewed 4/24
00521                                     strcpy(statusString, "internalError");
00522                                     break;
00523                                 case tryLater:
00524                                     //reviewed 4/24
00525                                     strcpy(statusString, "tryLater");
00526                                     break;
00527                                 case sigRequired:
00528                                     //reviewed 4/24
00529                                     strcpy(statusString, "sigRequired");
00530                                     break;
00531                                 case unauthorized:
00532                                     //reviewed 4/24
00533                                     strcpy(statusString, "unauthorized");
00534                                     break;
00535                                 }
00536                                 *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ Response status: " << statusString << endl;
00538                                 if(successful == ors)
00539                                 {
00540                                     CPKIFResponseBytesPtr rb = ocspResponse->GetResponseBytes();
00541                                     *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ Response type: " << rb->GetResponseType()->ToString() << endl;
00543                                     CPKIFBasicOCSPResponse bor;
00544                                     bor.Decode(rb->GetResponse());
00546                                     CPKIFResponseDataPtr rd = bor.GetResponseData();
00548                                     CPKIFResponderIDPtr rid = rd->GetResponderID();
00549                                     *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ Produced at: " << rd->GetProducedAt()->GetTime() << endl;
00550                                     if(CPKIFResponderID::NAME == rid->GetChoice())  
00551                                              *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ Responder name: " << rid->GetName()->ToString() << endl;  
00552                                     else if(CPKIFResponderID::KEYHASH == rid->GetChoice())  
00553                                     {  
00554                                         unsigned char * ascval = new unsigned char[rid->GetHash()->GetLength()*2 + 1];
00555                                         btoa((const char*)rid->GetHash()->GetBuffer(), (char *)ascval, rid->GetHash()->GetLength());
00556                                         *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ Responder key ID: " << ascval << endl;  
00557                                         delete ascval;
00558                                     }   
00559                                 }
00561                                 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00562                                 //  single response information pertaining to target cert
00563                                 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00564                                 CPKIFSingleResponsePtr singleResponse = ocspInfo->GetSingleResponse();
00565                                 if(singleResponse != (CPKIFSingleResponse*)NULL)
00566                                 {
00567                                     *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ OCSP single response information:" << endl;
00568                                     CPKIFTimePtr thisUpdate = singleResponse->GetThisUpdate();
00569                                     if(thisUpdate != NULL)
00570                                         *o << "\t\t\t\t\t\t* This update: " << thisUpdate->GetTime() << endl;
00571                                     CPKIFTimePtr nextUpdate = singleResponse->GetNextUpdate();
00572                                     if(nextUpdate != NULL)
00573                                         *o << "\t\t\t\t\t\t* Next update: " << nextUpdate->GetTime() << endl;
00575                                     CPKIFCertIDPtr certID = singleResponse->GetCertID();
00576                                     *o << "\t\t\t\t\t\t* Cert serial number: " << certID->GetSerialNumber() << endl;
00577                                 }
00578                                 else
00579                                     *o << "\t\t\t\t\t+ OCSP single response not present" << endl;
00580                             }
00581                             else
00582                                 *o << "\t\t\t\t- OCSP basic response not present" << endl;
00583                         }
00584                         else
00585                             *o << "\t\t\t\t- OCSP information not present" << endl;
00586                     }
00587                 }
00588                 break;
00589             }
00590         }
00591     }
00593     *o << endl;
00594 }
00607 void CPKIFPathLogger::LogValidationResults(
00610     CPKIFPathValidationResults& tmpPVR, 
00614     CPKIFCertificatePath& path, 
00617     const char* appInfo, 
00619     ostream* out)
00620 {
00621     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathLogger::LogValidationResults", TOOLKIT_PATH_MISC, 0, NULL);
00623     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(g_me);
00625     std::ostringstream os;
00626     //ostream* o = out;
00627     ostream* o = &os;
00628     ostream* o2 = out;
00629     bool bClearGlobal = false;
00630     if(0 == o2 && 0 != g_pathLogFile.tellp())
00631     {
00632         o2 = &g_pathLogFile;
00633         bClearGlobal = true;
00634     }
00635     if(0 == o2)
00636         return;
00638     char errBuf[MAX_ERROR_CODE_STRING_SIZE];
00639     IPKIFTrustAnchorPtr rootObj;
00640     CPKIFCertificatePtr target, root;
00641     path.GetTarget(target);
00642     path.GetTrustRoot(rootObj);
00643     if(rootObj != (IPKIFTrustAnchor*)NULL)
00644     {
00645         root = rootObj->GetCertificate();
00646     }
00648     //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00649     // print info from path results
00650     //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00651     *o << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00652     *o << endl;
00653     if(NULL != appInfo)
00654         *o << appInfo << endl;
00655     *o << "Current time: " << CPKIFTime::CurrentTime()->GetTime() << endl;
00657     //added following TOI-focused stuff 7/19/2004 - CRW
00658     CPKIFPathSettingsPtr ps;
00659     path.GetPathSettings(ps);
00660     if(ps != NULL)
00661     {
00662         *o << "Validation time of interest: " << ps->GetValidationTime()->GetTime() << endl;
00663     }
00665     *o << "Root certificate information" << endl;
00666     if(root != (CPKIFCertificate*)NULL)
00667     {
00668         *o << "\tSubject: " << root->Subject()->ToString() << endl;
00669         *o << "\tIssuer: " << root->Issuer()->ToString() << endl;
00670         *o << "\tSerial number: " << root->SerialNumber() << endl;
00671     }
00672     else if(rootObj != (IPKIFTrustAnchor*)NULL)
00673     {
00674         *o << "\tSubject: " << rootObj->GetSubjectName()->ToString() << endl;
00675     }
00676     else
00677         *o << "\tNo root information present" << endl;
00679     *o << "Target certificate information" << endl;
00680     if(target != (CPKIFCertificate*)NULL)
00681     {
00682         *o << "\tSubject: " << target->Subject()->ToString() << endl;
00683         *o << "\tIssuer: " << target->Issuer()->ToString() << endl;
00684         *o << "\tSerial number: " << target->SerialNumber() << endl;
00685     }
00686     else
00687         *o << "\tNo target information present" << endl;
00688     *o << endl;
00689     *o << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00691     //ditched this to accomodate pure DPV modes of SCVP
00692     //if(!rootObj)
00693     //{
00694     //  *o << "No path constructed" << endl;
00695     //  *o2 << os.str().c_str();
00696     //  return;
00697     //}
00700     *o << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00701     *o << "Printing information from path validation results:" << endl;
00702     *o << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00704     if(tmpPVR.PathSuccessfullyValidated())
00705     {
00706         *o << "- Path successfully validated" << endl;
00707     }
00708     else
00709     {
00710         *o << "- Path not successfully validated" << endl;
00711         *o << "- Diagnostic code: " << tmpPVR.DiagnosticCode() << " -> " << GetErrorCodeString(tmpPVR.DiagnosticCode(), errBuf) << endl;
00712     }
00714     if(tmpPVR.GetBasicChecksSuccessfullyPerformed())
00715         *o << "- Basic checks successfully performed" << endl;
00716     else
00717         *o << "- Basic checks not successfully performed" << endl;
00719     if(tmpPVR.GetCertSignaturesVerified())
00720         *o << "- Cert signatures successfully verified" << endl;
00721     else
00722         *o << "- Cert signatures not successfully verified" << endl;
00724     RevocationStatus rs = tmpPVR.GetRevocationStatusMostSevere();
00725     switch(rs)
00726     {
00727     case REVOKED:
00728         *o << "- Most severe revocation status: REVOKED" << endl;
00729         break;
00730     case NOT_CHECKED:
00731         *o << "- Most severe revocation status: NOT CHECKED" << endl;
00732         break;
00733     case NOT_REVOKED:
00734         *o << "- Most severe revocation status: NOT REVOKED" << endl;
00735         break;
00736     case SERVER_CHECKED:
00737         *o << "- Most severe revocation status: SERVER CHECKED" << endl;
00738         break;
00739     default:
00740         *o << "- Most severe revocation status: UNKNOWN" << endl;
00741     }
00743     bool explicitPolicyIndicator = tmpPVR.GetExplicitPolicyIndicator();
00744     if(explicitPolicyIndicator)
00745         *o << "- Explicit policy indicator: TRUE" << endl;
00746     else
00747         *o << "- Explicit policy indicator: FALSE" << endl;
00749     CPKIFPolicyInformationListPtr authSet, userSet;
00750     tmpPVR.GetAuthorityConstrainedSet(authSet);
00751     tmpPVR.GetUserConstrainedSet(userSet);
00753     const vector<CPKIFPolicyInformationListPtr>* asTable = tmpPVR.GetAuthorityConstrainedSetTable();
00754     *o << "- Authority constrained policy table" << endl;
00755     if(NULL != asTable)
00756         DumpPolicyTable(*asTable, o);
00757     else
00758         *o << "\t NULL" << endl;
00760     *o << "- User constrained policy set" << endl;
00761     DumpPolicySet(userSet, o);
00763     *o << "- Authority constrained policy set" << endl;
00764     DumpPolicySet(authSet, o);
00766     CPKIFCertStatusPtr cs = tmpPVR.GetCertStatus(); //target cert status
00768     if(!tmpPVR.PathSuccessfullyValidated())
00769     {
00770         //If path validation failed output information about the cert that caused the failure
00771         CPKIFCertificateNodeEntryPtr certNode = tmpPVR.GetCertificate();
00772         if(certNode != (CPKIFCertificateNodeEntry*)NULL)
00773         {
00774             CPKIFCertStatusPtr certStatus;
00775             certNode->GetStatus(certStatus);
00777             *o << "- Certificate with following information failed with diagnostic code " << certStatus->GetDiagnosticCode() << " : " << GetErrorCodeString(certStatus->GetDiagnosticCode(), errBuf) << endl;
00778             PrintCertInfo(*certNode, "\t+ ", o);
00779         }
00780         else
00781         {
00782             *o << "Validation failed but no cert was highlighted." << endl;
00783         }
00784     }
00786     LogPath(path, NULL, o);
00787     *o2 << os.str().c_str();
00789     std::ostringstream *logOutput = dynamic_cast<std::ostringstream*>(o2);
00791     if (logOutput) {
00792         log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger = log4cxx::Logger::getLogger("PKIF");
00793         LOG4CXX_DEBUG (logger, logOutput->str());
00794     }
00795 #endif 
00796     o2->flush();
00798     if(bClearGlobal)
00799     {
00800         logOutput->str("");
00801         logOutput->clear();
00802     }
00803 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:55 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6