
Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 #include "CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2.h"
00012 #include "boost/thread/recursive_mutex.hpp"
00014 #include "ToolkitUtils.h"
00016 #include "PKIFException.h"
00017 #include "PKIFPathException.h"
00018 #include "PKIFPathLogger.h"
00019 #include "PKIFErrors.h"
00020 //#include "PKIFPathErrors.h"
00021 #include "PKIFPathValidator2.h"
00022 #include "PKIFPathBuilder2.h"
00023 #include "PKIFPathBuildAndValidate.h"
00024 #include "ScopeGuard.h"
00025 #include "PKIFLog.h"
00026 #include "PKIFPathSettings.h"
00027 #include "PKIFCertificatePath.h"
00028 #include <vector>
00029 using namespace std;
00030 using namespace boost;
00032 struct CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2Impl {
00041     CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2Impl ():m_me() 
00042     {
00043     };
00045     //CACMonitorDataPtr m_md;
00046     boost::recursive_mutex m_me;
00048     CPKIFPathSettingsPtr m_defPathSettings;
00049     //Every interface has its own vector for easy managment.
00050     std::vector<IPKIFColleaguePtr> m_vModules;
00051     //std::vector<IPKIFColleague*> m_vModulesToDelete;
00052     std::vector<IPKIFPathBuildPtr> m_vPathBuildModules;
00053     std::vector<IPKIFPathValidatePtr> m_vPathValidateModules;
00054     std::vector<IPKIFPathBuildAndValidatePtr> m_vPathBuildandValidateModules;
00056     bool m_addDefaultColleagues;
00057 };
00071  CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(
00073      bool addDefaultColleagues)
00074    : m_impl (new CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2Impl)
00075 {
00076     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(void)", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00077     m_impl->m_addDefaultColleagues = addDefaultColleagues;
00078 }
00086  CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::~CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(void)
00087 {
00088     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::~CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(void)", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00090     Terminate();
00092     delete m_impl;
00093     m_impl = '\0';
00094 }
00105 void CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::Terminate()
00106 {
00107     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::Terminate()", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00109     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00110     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00111     try
00112     {
00113         //inform our children that we are dying
00114         RemoveParentRelationships(m_impl->m_vModules, this);
00116         RemoveMediatorAssociations();
00118         //clean up any modules that were added using AddColleague
00119 //      FreeAdditionalModules(m_impl->m_vModulesToDelete, this);
00121         //added 7/17/2004
00122         IPKIFMediator::Terminate();
00124         m_impl->m_vModules.clear();
00125         m_impl->m_vPathBuildandValidateModules.clear();
00126         m_impl->m_vPathBuildModules.clear();
00127         m_impl->m_vPathValidateModules.clear();
00128     }
00129     catch(CPKIFException& )
00130     {
00131         //EXCEPTION DELETION
00132         //no purpose is served by passing on this exception - log it and forget it
00133         LOG_STRING_ERROR("CPKIFException encountered during CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2 mediator termination", thisComponent, COMMON_TERMINATION_ERROR, this);
00134         //delete e;
00135         _ASSERT(false);
00136     }
00137     catch(...)
00138     {
00139         LOG_STRING_ERROR("Unknown exception encountered during CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2 mediator termination", thisComponent, COMMON_TERMINATION_ERROR, this);
00140         _ASSERT(false);
00141     }
00142 }
00155 void CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::Initialize()
00156 {
00157     InitializeMediator(NULL);
00158 }
00174 void CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::InitializeMediator(
00176     std::vector<CPKIFException*>* errorInfo)
00177 {
00178     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::InitializeMediator(std::vector<CPKIFException*>* errorInfo)", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00180     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00181     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00183     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("Initializing CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2 mediator", thisComponent, 0, this);
00185     if(!m_impl->m_vModules.empty())
00186         throw CPKIFPathException(thisComponent, COMMON_ALREADY_INITIALIZED, "This instance has already been initialized.  Call Terminate prior to re-initializing.");
00188     if(m_impl->m_addDefaultColleagues)
00189     {
00190         CPKIFPathValidator2Ptr x1(new CPKIFPathValidator2);
00191         CPKIFPathBuilder2Ptr x2(new CPKIFPathBuilder2);
00192         CPKIFPathBuildAndValidatePtr x3(new CPKIFPathBuildAndValidate);
00193         // GCC doesn't see the result of the dynamic_pointer_cast as a reference when used
00194         // inside the function call
00195         IPKIFColleaguePtr cp = dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFColleague,CPKIFPathValidator2>(x1); 
00196         AddColleague(cp);
00197         cp = dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFColleague,CPKIFPathBuilder2>(x2);
00198         AddColleague(cp); 
00199         cp = dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFColleague,CPKIFPathBuildAndValidate>(x3);
00200         AddColleague(cp);  //changed x2 to x3 (there were two x2 objects added) 7/17/2004
00201     }
00202 }
00216 void CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::AddColleague(
00218     IPKIFColleaguePtr& module)
00219 {
00220     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::AddColleague(IPKIFColleague* module, bool transferOwnership)", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00222     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00223     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00224     if(!module)
00225         return;
00227     //if the module throws an exception let the caller catch it
00228     module->Initialize();
00229     module->AddParent(this);//added 3/12/2003 CRW
00231     try
00232     {
00233         //set upa n array of pointers that we will need to delete
00234         //if(transferOwnership)
00235         //  m_impl->m_vModulesToDelete.push_back(module);
00237         //create a guard on the vector so if the push onto the primary vector fails we can
00238         //pop the one off of m_impl->m_vModulesToDelete
00239 //      ScopeGuard guard = MakeObjGuard(m_impl->m_vModulesToDelete, &vector<IPKIFColleague*>::pop_back);
00240         m_impl->m_vModules.push_back(module);
00241         if(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFPathBuild, IPKIFColleague>(module))
00242             m_impl->m_vPathBuildModules.push_back(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFPathBuild, IPKIFColleague>(module));
00243         if(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFPathValidate, IPKIFColleague>(module))
00244             m_impl->m_vPathValidateModules.push_back(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFPathValidate, IPKIFColleague>(module));
00245         if(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFPathBuildAndValidate, IPKIFColleague>(module))
00246             m_impl->m_vPathBuildandValidateModules.push_back(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFPathBuildAndValidate, IPKIFColleague>(module));
00247 //      guard.Dismiss();
00248     }
00249     catch(...)
00250     {
00251         throw;
00252     }
00253 }
00265 void CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::SetDefaultPathSettings(
00268     CPKIFPathSettingsPtr& pathSettings)
00269 {
00270     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::SetDefaultPathSettings(CPKIFPathSettingsPtr& pathSettings)", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00272     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00273     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00274     m_impl->m_defPathSettings = pathSettings;
00275 }
00286 CPKIFPathSettingsPtr CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::GetDefaultPathSettings()
00287 {
00288     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::GetDefaultPathSettings", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00290     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00291     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00292     //always hand back copies
00293     if(m_impl->m_defPathSettings != (CPKIFPathSettings*)NULL)
00294     {
00295         CPKIFPathSettingsPtr ps(new CPKIFPathSettings(*m_impl->m_defPathSettings));
00296         return ps;
00297     }
00298     else
00299     {
00300         //return a permissive set
00301         CPKIFPathSettingsPtr tmp(new CPKIFPathSettings);
00302         return tmp;
00303     }
00304 }
00307 //  This mediator catches all exceptions that emanate from lower-level PKIF objects.  Exception
00308 //contents are recorded in the audit log but the exceptions are NOT throw to the application.  The
00309 //application will remain unaware of the exception.  This allows other colleagues an opportunity to
00310 //satisfy the request.  In the event that an unsatisfied request results in the failure of
00311 //a higher level operation, the application will be notified of the higher level failure, possibly
00312 //by an exception.  If no colleague supports the requested operation an exception is thrown indicating
00313 //that the operation was not handled.
00353 bool CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::ValidatePath(
00355     CPKIFCertificatePath& path, 
00357     CPKIFPathValidationResults& results,
00359     CPKIFFuncStoragePtr& thisCallOnlyFuncs)
00360 {
00361     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::ValidatePath", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00363     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00364     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00365     //if there has been no path settings directly associated with the path that was passed in then
00366     //use the default settings associated with this instance.  if there are no settings associated with
00367     //this instance use a very permissive default collection of settings (created by GetDefaultPathSettings).
00368     CPKIFPathSettingsPtr settings;
00369     path.GetPathSettings(settings);
00370     if(settings == (CPKIFPathSettings*)NULL)
00371         path.SetPathSettings(GetDefaultPathSettings());
00373     bool retVal = false;
00374     vector<IPKIFPathValidatePtr>::iterator pos;
00375     vector<IPKIFPathValidatePtr>::iterator end = m_impl->m_vPathValidateModules.end();
00376     bool opAttempted = false;
00377     for(pos = m_impl->m_vPathValidateModules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
00378     {
00379             try
00380             {
00381                 opAttempted = true;
00382                 retVal = (*pos)->ValidatePath(path, results, thisCallOnlyFuncs);
00383                 CPKIFPathLogger::LogValidationResults(results, path, "Logging path following completion of validation operation");
00384                 AuditPathEvent(PO_VALIDATE, retVal, path);
00386                 //if we get here then the colleague reached a decision (lack of determination should
00387                 //be indicated by an exception. This may need some tweaking when SCVP rolls around.)
00388                 return retVal;
00389             }
00390             catch(CPKIFException& e)
00391             {
00392                 CPKIFPathLogger::LogPath(path, "Logging path following unexpected exception during validation operation");
00394                 std::string reason = "A path processing-related exception was thrown.  ";
00395                 reason.append(*e.print());
00396                 AuditString(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, CAT_PKIF_PATH, PKIF_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, reason.c_str(), thisComponent, COMMON_UNKNOWN_ERROR, this);
00397                 //delete e;
00398             }
00399     }
00401     if(!opAttempted)
00402         throw CPKIFPathException(thisComponent, COMMON_OPERATION_NOT_HANDLED);
00404     return retVal;
00405 }
00427 void CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::SetAdditionalCertificateChecks(
00429     CPKIFFuncStoragePtr& funcs)
00430 {
00431     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::SetAdditionalCertificateChecks", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00433     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00434     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00435     bool retVal = false;
00436     vector<IPKIFPathValidatePtr>::iterator pos;
00437     vector<IPKIFPathValidatePtr>::iterator end = m_impl->m_vPathValidateModules.end();
00438     bool opAttempted = false, opSucceeded = false;
00439     for(pos = m_impl->m_vPathValidateModules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
00440     {
00441             try
00442             {
00443                 opAttempted = true;
00444                 (*pos)->SetAdditionalCertificateChecks(funcs);
00445                 opSucceeded = true;
00446             }
00447             catch(CPKIFException& e)
00448             {
00449                 std::string reason = "A path processing-related exception was thrown.  ";
00450                 reason.append(*e.print());
00451                 AuditString(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, CAT_PKIF_PATH, PKIF_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, reason.c_str(), thisComponent, COMMON_UNKNOWN_ERROR, this);
00452                 //delete e;
00453             }
00454     }
00456     if(!opAttempted)
00457         throw CPKIFPathException(thisComponent, COMMON_OPERATION_NOT_HANDLED);
00459     if(!opSucceeded)
00460         throw CPKIFPathException(thisComponent, COMMON_OPERATION_NOT_SUCCESSFUL);//changed from Cache exception 2/17/2004
00461 }
00503 bool CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::BuildPath(
00506     CPKIFCertificatePath& path)
00507 {
00508     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::BuildPath", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00510     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00511     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00512     //if there has been no path settings directly associated with the path that was passed in then
00513     //use the default settings associated with this instance.  if there are no settings associated with
00514     //this instance use a very permissive default collection of settings (created by GetDefaultPathSettings).
00515     CPKIFPathSettingsPtr settings;
00516     path.GetPathSettings(settings);
00517     if(settings == (CPKIFPathSettings*)NULL)
00518         path.SetPathSettings(GetDefaultPathSettings());
00520     bool retVal = false;
00521     vector<IPKIFPathBuildPtr>::iterator pos;
00522     vector<IPKIFPathBuildPtr>::iterator end = m_impl->m_vPathBuildModules.end();
00523     bool opAttempted = false, opSucceeded = false;
00524     for(pos = m_impl->m_vPathBuildModules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
00525     {
00526             try
00527             {
00528                 opAttempted = true;
00529                 retVal = (*pos)->BuildPath(path);
00530                 opSucceeded = true;
00531                 AuditPathEvent(PO_BUILD, retVal, path);
00533                 //unlike validation operations - when builders return false we keep looking
00534                 if(retVal)
00535                     return retVal;
00536             }
00537             catch(CPKIFException& e)
00538             {
00539                 std::string reason = "A path processing-related exception was thrown.  ";
00540                 reason.append(*e.print());
00541                 AuditString(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, CAT_PKIF_PATH, PKIF_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, reason.c_str(), thisComponent, COMMON_UNKNOWN_ERROR, this);
00542                 //delete e;
00543             }
00544     }
00546     if(!opAttempted)
00547         throw CPKIFPathException(thisComponent, COMMON_OPERATION_NOT_HANDLED);
00549     if(!opSucceeded)
00550         throw CPKIFPathException(thisComponent, COMMON_OPERATION_NOT_SUCCESSFUL); //changed from Cache - 2/17/2004
00552     return retVal;
00553 }
00582 bool CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::BuildAndValidatePath(
00587     CPKIFCertificatePath& path, 
00594     CPKIFPathValidationResults& results)
00595 {
00596     LOG_STRING_DEBUG("CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::BuildAndValidatePath", TOOLKIT_PATH_MEDIATOR, 0, this);
00598     //CCACSynchronizedObject so(m_impl->m_md);
00599     boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock(m_impl->m_me);
00600     //if there has been no path settings directly associated with the path that was passed in then
00601     //use the default settings associated with this instance.  if there are no settings associated with
00602     //this instance use a very permissive default collection of settings (created by GetDefaultPathSettings).
00603     CPKIFPathSettingsPtr settings;
00604     path.GetPathSettings(settings);
00605     if(settings == (CPKIFPathSettings*)NULL)
00606         path.SetPathSettings(GetDefaultPathSettings());
00608     bool retVal = false;
00609     vector<IPKIFPathBuildAndValidatePtr>::iterator pos;
00610     vector<IPKIFPathBuildAndValidatePtr>::iterator end = m_impl->m_vPathBuildandValidateModules.end();
00611     bool opAttempted = false;
00612     for(pos = m_impl->m_vPathBuildandValidateModules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
00613     {
00614             try
00615             {
00616                 opAttempted = true;
00617                 if((*pos)->BuildAndValidatePath(path, results))
00618                 {
00619                     retVal = true;
00620                     break;
00621                 }
00622             }
00623             catch(CPKIFException& e)
00624             {
00625                 CPKIFPathLogger::LogPath(path, "Logging path following unexpected exception during build and validation operation");
00627                 std::string reason = "A path processing-related exception was thrown.  ";
00628                 reason.append(*e.print());
00629                 AuditString(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, CAT_PKIF_PATH, PKIF_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, reason.c_str(), thisComponent, COMMON_UNKNOWN_ERROR, this);
00630                 //delete e;
00631             }
00633     }
00635     if(!opAttempted)
00636         throw CPKIFPathException(thisComponent, COMMON_OPERATION_NOT_HANDLED);
00638     return retVal;
00639 }
00647 void CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2::GetColleagues(
00649     std::vector<IPKIFColleaguePtr>& v) const
00650 {
00651     copy(m_impl->m_vModules.begin(),m_impl->m_vModules.end(), back_inserter(v));
00652 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:49 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6