SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp File Reference

Detailed Description

Subsystem: Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol (PKIFSCVP)

Module: Miscellaneous

SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp 12012 2010-11-05 11:59:06Z agalustyan

Definition in file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

#include "pkif.h"
#include "PKIFCryptUtils.h"
#include "CertBundle.h"
#include "CertReferences.h"
#include "IPKIFScvpClient.h"
#include "PKCReference.h"
#include "ReplyWantBack.h"
#include "RevocationInfo.h"
#include "RevInfoWantBack.h"
#include "ValidationPolicy.h"
#include "ValPolResponse.h"
#include "ERSConstants.h"
#include "EvidenceRecord.h"
#include "EvidenceRecordBundle.h"
#include "EvidenceRecordVerifier.h"
#include <cstring>

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GetRevInfos (CPKIFBufferPtr &revInfoWB)
bool CrlCoversCert (CPKIFCRLPtr &crl, CPKIFCertificatePtr &cert)
CPKIFBufferPtr _HashIssuerName (const CPKIFCertificate &cert, IPKIFCryptoMisc *cMisc)
bool _CertIDMatchesCert (CPKIFCertIDPtr &cid, const CPKIFCertificate &cert, IPKIFCryptoMisc *m)
bool OcspResponseCoversCertificate (CPKIFOCSPResponsePtr &ocsp, CPKIFCertificatePtr &cert)
void AssociateRevInfoWithCertStatusIfPossible (CPKIFRevocationInfoListPtr &revInfos, CPKIFCertStatusPtr &status, CPKIFCertificatePtr &cert)
CPKIFTrustRootPtr GetTrustRootFromValPol (CPKIFValPolResponsePtr &vpr, CPKIFCertificatePtr &issuedByTheRoot, IPKIFCryptoRawOperations *cryptoRaw)
void AssociateEvidenceRecordResultsWithWantBack (SeqResultsPtr &seqResults, CPKIFOIDPtr &wantBackType, CPKIFReplyWantBack_ExtDataHandlerPtr &wantBacks)
void VerifyCertPathWB_ER (CPKIFBufferPtr &bestCertPathWB, CPKIFBufferPtr &bestCertPathWB_ER, CPKIFCertificatePath &path, IPKIFScvpClient *scvpClient)
void VerifyPartialPathWB_ER (CPKIFBufferPtr &partialPathWB, CPKIFBufferPtr &partialPathWB_ER, CPKIFCertificatePath &path, IPKIFScvpClient *scvpClient)
void VerifyRevInfoWB_ER (CPKIFBufferPtr &revInfoWB, CPKIFBufferPtr &revInfoWB_ER, CPKIFCertificatePath &path, IPKIFScvpClient *scvpClient)
void VerifyPKCCertWB_ER (CPKIFCertificatePtr &pkcCert, CPKIFBufferPtr &pkcCertWB_ER, CPKIFCertificatePath &path, IPKIFScvpClient *scvpClient)
void StickCrlsFromWantBackInCrlStore (CPKIFBufferPtr &revInfoWB, IPKIFScvpClient *scvpClient, IPKIFColleague *iCol)
void CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStores (CPKIFBufferPtr &certPathWB, CPKIFBufferPtr &revInfoWB, CPKIFCertificatePath &path, IPKIFScvpClient *scvpClient, CPKIFPathValidationResults &results, IPKIFColleague *iCol)
bool CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStoresForDpd (CPKIFBufferPtr &certPathWB, CPKIFBufferPtr &revInfoWB, CPKIFCertificatePath &path, IPKIFScvpClient *scvpClient, IPKIFColleague *iCol)

Function Documentation

bool _CertIDMatchesCert ( CPKIFCertIDPtr &  cid,
const CPKIFCertificate cert,
IPKIFCryptoMisc m 

Interface: Subsystem

This is a helper function that determines if Cert ID matches the certificate

True if cert ID matches the certificate, false otherwise
cid  [in] A reference to a smart pointer to a CPKIFCertID object
cert  [in] A reference to a CPKIFCertificate object
m  [in] [in] Pointer to an object that implements the IPKIFColleague interface

Definition at line 167 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References _HashIssuerName(), LOG_STRING_DEBUG, CPKIFCertificate::SerialNumber(), stricmp, and TOOLKIT_OCSP_CHECKER.

CPKIFBufferPtr _HashIssuerName ( const CPKIFCertificate cert,
IPKIFCryptoMisc cMisc 

Interface: Subsystem

This function calculates the has of the issuer name

A smart pointer to CPKIFBuffer object
cert  [in] A reference to CPKIFCertificate object from which we will obtain issuer name
cMisc  [in] [in] Pointer to an object that implements the IPKIFColleague interface

Definition at line 110 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References COMMON_INVALID_INPUT, COMMON_UNSUPPORTED_ALG, IPKIFCryptoMisc::HashFinal(), IPKIFCryptoMisc::HashInit(), IPKIFCryptoMisc::HashUpdate(), CPKIFCertificate::Issuer(), MAXHASH, PKIFCRYPTO::SHA1, and TOOLKIT_OCSP_CHECKER.

void AssociateEvidenceRecordResultsWithWantBack ( SeqResultsPtr &  seqResults,
CPKIFOIDPtr &  wantBackType,
CPKIFReplyWantBack_ExtDataHandlerPtr &  wantBacks 

Interface: Subsystem

This function associates evidence rocord results with a want back

seqResults  [in] Evidence record results
wantBackType  [in] Want back type
wantBacks  [out] Want backs

Definition at line 405 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

Referenced by VerifyCertPathWB_ER(), VerifyPartialPathWB_ER(), VerifyPKCCertWB_ER(), and VerifyRevInfoWB_ER().

void AssociateRevInfoWithCertStatusIfPossible ( CPKIFRevocationInfoListPtr &  revInfos,
CPKIFCertStatusPtr &  status,
CPKIFCertificatePtr &  cert 

Interface: Subsystem

This function tries to associate revocation information with a certificate, if so that rev info is stuffed into the status object.

Caller must ensure both values are non-NULL.

revInfos  [in] Revocation info list to be checked
status  [out] Certificate status object to which rev info will be added
cert  [in] Target certificate

Definition at line 266 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.


Referenced by CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStores().

void CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStores ( CPKIFBufferPtr &  certPathWB,
CPKIFBufferPtr &  revInfoWB,
CPKIFCertificatePath path,
IPKIFScvpClient scvpClient,
CPKIFPathValidationResults results,
IPKIFColleague iCol 

Interface: Subsystem

This function will take a certificate path want back and populate certificate path object and add certificates to certificate stores

certPathWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded CertBundle
revInfoWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded RevInfoWantBack
path  [in/out] Path object to populate with the path contents
scvpClient  [in] Scvp client instance that will be consulted for validation policy
results  [in] Used to set the status values

Definition at line 695 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate::AddCertificate(), AssociateRevInfoWithCertStatusIfPossible(), PKIFENUMS::CA, CPKIFCertBundle::Decode(), IPKIFScvpClient::FetchValPol(), CPKIFPathValidationResults::GetBasicChecksSuccessfullyPerformed(), CPKIFCertBundle::GetCertList(), CPKIFPathValidationResults::GetCertSignaturesVerified(), IPKIFColleague::GetMediator(), IPKIFScvpClient::GetMediator(), GetRevInfos(), CPKIFCertificatePath::GetTrustRoot(), GetTrustRootFromValPol(), IPKIFTrustCache::GetTrustRoots(), IPKIFScvpClient::GetValPol(), PKIFENUMS::REMOTE, SERVER_CHECKED, CPKIFCertificatePath::SetPath(), CPKIFCertificatePath::SetTrustRoot(), IPKIFCryptoRawOperations::VerifyCertificate(), and IPKIFScvpClient::VerifyValPol().

Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuildAndValidate::BuildAndValidatePath().

bool CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStoresForDpd ( CPKIFBufferPtr &  certPathWB,
CPKIFBufferPtr &  revInfoWB,
CPKIFCertificatePath path,
IPKIFScvpClient scvpClient,
IPKIFColleague iCol 

Interface: Subsystem

This function will take a certificate path want back and populate certificate path object and add certificates to certificate stores dedicated path discovery

certPathWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded CertBundle
revInfoWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded RevInfoWantBack
path  [in/out] Path object to populate with the path contents
scvpClient  [in] Scvp client instance that will be consulted for validation policy

Definition at line 882 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References IPKIFCertRepositoryUpdate::AddCertificate(), IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate::AddCRL(), PKIFENUMS::CA, CPKIFCertBundle::Decode(), IPKIFScvpClient::FetchValPol(), CPKIFCertBundle::GetCertList(), IPKIFColleague::GetMediator(), IPKIFScvpClient::GetMediator(), GetRevInfos(), GetTrustRootFromValPol(), IPKIFTrustCache::GetTrustRoots(), IPKIFScvpClient::GetValPol(), PKIFENUMS::REMOTE, REVINFOTYPE_CRL, REVINFOTYPE_DELTACRL, CPKIFCertificatePath::SetPath(), CPKIFCertificatePath::SetTrustRoot(), IPKIFCryptoRawOperations::VerifyCertificate(), and IPKIFScvpClient::VerifyValPol().

Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuild::BuildPath().

bool CrlCoversCert ( CPKIFCRLPtr &  crl,
CPKIFCertificatePtr &  cert 

Interface: Subsystem

This function determines if a crl covers given certificate

True if CRL covers the cert, false otherwise
crl  [in] CRL to be checked
cert  [in] Target certificate

Definition at line 67 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

Referenced by AssociateRevInfoWithCertStatusIfPossible().

CPKIFRevocationInfoListPtr PKIFSCVP_API GetRevInfos ( CPKIFBufferPtr &  revInfoWB  ) 

Interface: External

This function returns revocation info list based on encoded revocation info want back

Smart pointer to CPKIFRevocationInfoList object containing decoded revocation info list

Definition at line 42 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References CPKIFRevInfoWantBack::GetRevInfos().

Referenced by CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStores(), CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStoresForDpd(), StickCrlsFromWantBackInCrlStore(), and VerifyRevInfoWB_ER().

CPKIFTrustRootPtr GetTrustRootFromValPol ( CPKIFValPolResponsePtr &  vpr,
CPKIFCertificatePtr &  issuedByTheRoot,
IPKIFCryptoRawOperations cryptoRaw 

Interface: Subsystem

This function extracts trust root from validation policy given a target certificate

Smart pointer to CPKIFTrustRoot object containing the trust root
vpr  [in] Validation policy from which trust root will be taken
issuedByTheRoot  [in] Target certificate
cryptoRaw  [in] Interface to crypto operations, used to verify target certificate using the extracted TA

Definition at line 356 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References IPKIFCryptoRawOperations::VerifyCertificate().

Referenced by CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStores(), and CertPathWantBackToResultsAndStoresForDpd().

bool OcspResponseCoversCertificate ( CPKIFOCSPResponsePtr &  ocsp,
CPKIFCertificatePtr &  cert 

Interface: Subsystem

This function determines if an OCSP response covers given certificate

True if OCSP response covers the cert, false otherwise
ocsp  [in] OCSP response to be checked
cert  [in] Target certificate

Definition at line 205 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References _CertIDMatchesCert(), g_ocspBasic, and GetPlatformCryptoMisc().

Referenced by AssociateRevInfoWithCertStatusIfPossible().

void StickCrlsFromWantBackInCrlStore ( CPKIFBufferPtr &  revInfoWB,
IPKIFScvpClient scvpClient,
IPKIFColleague iCol 

Interface: Subsystem

This function adds CRLs found in a want back to CRL store

revInfoWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded RevInfoWantBack
scvpClient  [in] Mediator set from which IPKIFCrlUpdate pointer is obtained
iCol  [in] IPKIFColleague pointer if not NULL IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate will be obtained from it

Definition at line 625 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References IPKIFCRLRepositoryUpdate::AddCRL(), IPKIFColleague::GetMediator(), IPKIFScvpClient::GetMediator(), GetRevInfos(), REVINFOTYPE_CRL, and REVINFOTYPE_DELTACRL.

Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuild::BuildPath().

void VerifyCertPathWB_ER ( CPKIFBufferPtr &  bestCertPathWB,
CPKIFBufferPtr &  bestCertPathWB_ER,
CPKIFCertificatePath path,
IPKIFScvpClient scvpClient 

Interface: Subsystem

This function verifies an evidence record given best cert want back as input

bestCertPathWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded CertBundle
bestCertPathWB_ER  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded EvidenceRecord
path  [in/out] Path object to populate with the path contents
scvpClient  [in] Scvp client instance that will be consulted for validation policy

Definition at line 434 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References AssociateEvidenceRecordResultsWithWantBack(), CPKIFCertBundle::Decode(), g_idSwbErsBestCertPath, IPKIFScvpClient::GetEvidenceRecordVerifier(), and IPKIFScvpClient::GetWantBacksFromResponse().

Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuildAndValidate::BuildAndValidatePath().

void VerifyPartialPathWB_ER ( CPKIFBufferPtr &  partialPathWB,
CPKIFBufferPtr &  partialPathWB_ER,
CPKIFCertificatePath path,
IPKIFScvpClient scvpClient 

Interface: Subsystem

This function verifies an evidence record given partial path want back as input

partialPathWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded CertBundle
partialPathWB_ER  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded EvidenceRecord
path  [in/out] Path object to populate with the path contents
scvpClient  [in] Scvp client instance that will be consulted for validation policy

Definition at line 470 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References AssociateEvidenceRecordResultsWithWantBack(), CPKIFCertBundle::Decode(), g_idSwbErsPartialCertPath, IPKIFScvpClient::GetEvidenceRecordVerifier(), and IPKIFScvpClient::GetWantBacksFromResponse().

Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuildAndValidate::BuildAndValidatePath().

void VerifyPKCCertWB_ER ( CPKIFCertificatePtr &  pkcCert,
CPKIFBufferPtr &  pkcCertWB_ER,
CPKIFCertificatePath path,
IPKIFScvpClient scvpClient 

Interface: Subsystem

This function verifies an evidence record given PKC cert want back as input

pkcCert  [in] CPKIFCertificatePtr that points to certificate
pkcCertWB_ER  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded EvidenceRecord
path  [in/out] Path object to populate with the path contents
scvpClient  [in] Scvp client instance that will be consulted for validation policy

Definition at line 585 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References AssociateEvidenceRecordResultsWithWantBack(), g_idSwbErsPkcCert, IPKIFScvpClient::GetEvidenceRecordVerifier(), and IPKIFScvpClient::GetWantBacksFromResponse().

Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuildAndValidate::BuildAndValidatePath().

void VerifyRevInfoWB_ER ( CPKIFBufferPtr &  revInfoWB,
CPKIFBufferPtr &  revInfoWB_ER,
CPKIFCertificatePath path,
IPKIFScvpClient scvpClient 

Interface: Subsystem

This function verifies an evidence record given revocation info want back as input

revInfoWB  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded sequence of rev infos
revInfoWB_ER  [in] CPKIFBufferPtr that points to buffer containing encoded sequence of EvidenceRecord
path  [in/out] Path object to populate with the path contents
scvpClient  [in] Scvp client instance that will be consulted for validation policy

Definition at line 514 of file SCVPUtils_WantBacks.cpp.

References AssociateEvidenceRecordResultsWithWantBack(), CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle::Decode(), g_idSwbErsRevocationInfo, CPKIFEvidenceRecordBundle::GetERList(), IPKIFScvpClient::GetEvidenceRecordVerifier(), GetRevInfos(), IPKIFScvpClient::GetWantBacksFromResponse(), REVINFOTYPE_CRL, and REVINFOTYPE_DELTACRL.

Referenced by CPKIFScvpPathBuildAndValidate::BuildAndValidatePath().

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:19:24 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6