
Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 #include "PKIFXSECCrypto.h"
00012 #include <xsec/framework/XSECError.hpp>
00013 #include <xsec/enc/XSCrypt/XSCryptCryptoBase64.hpp>
00015 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoHash.h"
00016 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoKeyHMAC.h"
00017 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoKeyDSA.h"
00018 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoKeyRSA.h"
00019 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoX509.h"
00020 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoSymmetricKey.h"
00023 struct PKIFXSECCryptoImpl
00024 {
00025     PKIFXSECCryptoImpl();
00027     IPKIFMediatorPtr m_mediator;
00029     static bool s_bInitialized;
00030     static XMLCh * s_provName;
00031 };
00033 bool PKIFXSECCryptoImpl::s_bInitialized = false;
00034 XMLCh * PKIFXSECCryptoImpl::s_provName = 0;
00042 PKIFXSECCryptoImpl::PKIFXSECCryptoImpl()
00043 {
00044     if(!s_bInitialized) {
00045         s_bInitialized = true;
00046         s_provName = XMLString::transcode("PKIF XML Security Crypto provider");
00047     }
00048 }
00059 PKIFXSECCrypto::PKIFXSECCrypto()
00060 :m_impl(new PKIFXSECCryptoImpl)
00061 {
00062     // XXX MAYBE TODO: have a default set load from resources
00063     // not doing this right now because it could unduly increase library load time
00064 }
00075 PKIFXSECCrypto::PKIFXSECCrypto(
00077                                IPKIFMediatorPtr & med
00078                                )
00079 :m_impl(new PKIFXSECCryptoImpl)
00080 {
00081     m_impl->m_mediator = med;
00082 }
00091 PKIFXSECCrypto::~PKIFXSECCrypto()
00092 {
00093     if(m_impl) {
00094         m_impl = 0;
00095         delete m_impl;
00096     }
00097 }
00106 XSECCryptoHash * PKIFXSECCrypto::hashSHA1() const
00107 {
00108     return hashSHA(160);
00109 }
00119 XSECCryptoHash * PKIFXSECCrypto::hashSHA(
00121     int length) const
00122 {
00123     PKIFXSECCryptoHash * rv = 0;
00124     if(!m_impl->m_mediator) return rv;
00126     try {
00127         switch(length) {
00128             case 160:
00129                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA1));
00130                 break;
00131             case 224:
00132                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA224));
00133                 break;
00134             case 256:
00135                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA256));
00136                 break;
00137             case 384:
00138                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA384));
00139                 break;
00140             case 512:
00141                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA512));
00142                 break;
00143         }
00144     } catch(XSECException &) {
00145         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00146         rv = 0;
00147     }
00148     return rv;
00149 }
00158 XSECCryptoHash * PKIFXSECCrypto::hashHMACSHA1() const
00159 {
00160     return hashHMACSHA(160);
00161 }
00171 XSECCryptoHash * PKIFXSECCrypto::hashHMACSHA(
00173     int length) const
00174 {
00176     PKIFXSECCryptoHash * rv = 0;
00177     if(!m_impl->m_mediator) return rv;  
00178     try {
00179         switch(length) {
00180             case 160:
00181                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA1));
00182                 break;
00183             case 224:
00184                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA224));
00185                 break;
00186             case 256:
00187                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA256));
00188                 break;
00189             case 384:
00190                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA384));
00191                 break;
00192             case 512:
00193                 XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA512));
00194                 break;
00195         }
00196     } catch(XSECException &) {
00197         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00198         rv = 0;
00199     }
00200     return rv;
00201 }
00210 XSECCryptoHash * PKIFXSECCrypto::hashMD5() const
00211 {
00212 #if defined(PKIFXML_FIPSONLY)
00213     return 0;
00214 #endif //defined(PKIFXML_FIPSONLY)
00215     PKIFXSECCryptoHash * rv = 0;
00216     if(!m_impl->m_mediator) return rv;
00217     try {
00218         XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_MD5));
00219     }catch(XSECException &) {
00220         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00221         rv = 0;
00222     }
00223     return rv;
00224 }
00233 XSECCryptoHash * PKIFXSECCrypto::hashHMACMD5() const
00234 {
00235 #if defined(PKIFXML_FIPSONLY)
00236     return 0;
00237 #endif //defined(PKIFXML_FIPSONLY)
00238     PKIFXSECCryptoHash * rv = 0;
00239     try {
00240         XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoHash(m_impl->m_mediator,XSECCryptoHash::HASH_MD5));
00241     }catch(XSECException &) {
00242         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00243         rv = 0;
00244     }
00245     return rv;
00246 }
00255 XSECCryptoKeyHMAC * PKIFXSECCrypto::keyHMAC() const
00256 {
00257     XSECCryptoKeyHMAC * rv = 0;
00258     try {
00259         XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoKeyHMAC());
00260     }catch(XSECException &) {
00261         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00262         rv = 0;
00263     }
00264     return rv;
00265 }
00276 XSECCryptoBase64 * PKIFXSECCrypto::base64() const
00277 {
00278     XSCryptCryptoBase64 * rv;
00279     XSECnew(rv,XSCryptCryptoBase64());
00280     return rv;
00281 }
00291 XSECCryptoKeyDSA * PKIFXSECCrypto::keyDSA() const
00292 {
00293     PKIFXSECCryptoKeyDSA * rv;
00294     try {
00295         XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoKeyDSA());
00296     }catch(XSECException &) {
00297         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00298         rv = 0;
00299     }
00300     rv->SetMediator(m_impl->m_mediator);
00301     return rv;
00302 }
00311 XSECCryptoKeyRSA * PKIFXSECCrypto::keyRSA() const
00312 {
00313     PKIFXSECCryptoKeyRSA * rv;
00314     try {
00315         XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoKeyRSA());
00316     }catch(XSECException &) {
00317         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00318         rv = 0;
00319     }
00320     rv->SetMediator(m_impl->m_mediator);
00321     return rv;
00322 }
00331 XSECCryptoX509 * PKIFXSECCrypto::X509() const
00332 {
00333     PKIFXSECCryptoX509 * rv;
00334     try {
00335         XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoX509());
00336     }catch(XSECException &) {
00337         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00338         rv = 0;
00339     }
00340     rv->SetMediator(m_impl->m_mediator);
00341     return rv;
00342 }
00355 bool PKIFXSECCrypto::algorithmSupported(XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::SymmetricKeyType alg) const
00356 {
00357     if( alg == XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::KEY_3DES_192 ||
00358         alg == XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::KEY_AES_128 ||
00359         alg == XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::KEY_AES_192 ||
00360         alg == XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::KEY_AES_256 )
00361     {
00362         return true;
00363     }
00364     return false;
00365 }
00378 bool PKIFXSECCrypto::algorithmSupported(XSECCryptoHash::HashType alg) const
00379 {
00380     if( alg == XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA1 ||
00381         alg == XSECCryptoHash::HASH_MD5 ||
00382         alg == XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA224 ||
00383         alg == XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA256 ||
00384         alg == XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA384 ||
00385         alg == XSECCryptoHash::HASH_SHA512 )
00386     {
00387         return true;
00388     }
00389     return false;
00390 }
00401 XSECCryptoSymmetricKey  * PKIFXSECCrypto::keySymmetric(
00403     XSECCryptoSymmetricKey::SymmetricKeyType alg) const
00404 {
00405     PKIFXSECCryptoSymmetricKey * rv = 0;
00406     IPKIFCryptoRawOperations * raw = m_impl->m_mediator->GetMediator<IPKIFCryptoRawOperations>();
00407     if(!raw) return 0;
00408     try {
00409         XSECnew(rv,PKIFXSECCryptoSymmetricKey(raw));
00410     }catch(XSECException &) {
00411         // PKIF Exceptions get eaten by XSECnew. The right thing to do here is return 0.
00412         rv = 0;
00413     }
00414     rv->setSymmetricType(alg);
00415     return rv;
00416 }
00426 unsigned int PKIFXSECCrypto::getRandom(
00428        unsigned char * buffer,
00430        unsigned int numOctets) const
00431 {
00432     IPKIFCryptoMisc * misc = m_impl->m_mediator->GetMediator<IPKIFCryptoMisc>();
00433     if(!misc) return 0;
00434     try{
00435         misc->GenRandom(buffer,numOctets);
00436     } catch(CPKIFException &) {
00437         return 0;
00438     }
00439     return numOctets;
00440 }
00450 const XMLCh * PKIFXSECCrypto::getProviderName() const
00451 {
00452     return m_impl->s_provName;
00453 }
00462 const XMLCh * pkifProvName()
00463 {
00464     static PKIFXSECCrypto xsc;
00465     return xsc.getProviderName();
00466 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:55 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6