
Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoHash.h"
00011 #include "PKIFXSECCryptoKeyHMAC.h"
00013 #include <xsec/enc/XSCrypt/XSCryptCryptoBase64.hpp>
00014 #include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoException.hpp>
00015 #include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoUtils.hpp>
00016 #include <xsec/framework/XSECError.hpp>
00020 struct PKIFXSECCryptoHashImpl
00021 {
00022     PKIFXSECCryptoHashImpl();
00023     IPKIFMediatorPtr m_med;
00024     XSECCryptoHash::HashType m_alg;
00025     CPKIFKeyMaterialPtr m_key;
00026     IPKIFRawCryptContext * m_hmacCtx;
00027     IPKIFHashContext * m_hashCtx;
00028     IPKIFCryptoRaw * m_raw;
00029     IPKIFCryptoMisc * m_misc;
00030 };
00040 PKIFXSECCryptoHashImpl::PKIFXSECCryptoHashImpl()
00041 {
00042     m_hmacCtx = 0;
00043     m_hashCtx = 0;
00044     m_raw = 0;
00045     m_misc = 0;
00046 }
00055 PKIFCRYPTO::HASH_ALG pkifHashAlgForHT(
00057                                       XSECCryptoHash::HashType ht)
00058 {
00059     switch(ht) {
00060         case HASH_SHA1:
00061             return PKIFCRYPTO::SHA1;
00062             break;
00063         case HASH_MD5:
00064             return PKIFCRYPTO::MD5;
00065             break;
00066         case HASH_SHA224:
00067             return PKIFCRYPTO::SHA224;
00068             break;
00069         case HASH_SHA256:
00070             return PKIFCRYPTO::SHA256;
00071             break;
00072         case HASH_SHA384:
00073             return PKIFCRYPTO::SHA384;
00074             break;
00075         case HASH_SHA512:
00076             return PKIFCRYPTO::SHA512;
00077             break;
00078     }
00079     // the xml security library default
00080     return PKIFCRYPTO::SHA1;
00081 }
00090 PKIFXSECCryptoHash::PKIFXSECCryptoHash()
00091 :m_impl(new PKIFXSECCryptoHashImpl)
00092 {
00093 }
00102 PKIFXSECCryptoHash::PKIFXSECCryptoHash(
00104        IPKIFMediatorPtr & med,
00106        HashType alg)
00107 :m_impl(new PKIFXSECCryptoHashImpl)
00108 {
00109     m_impl->m_med = med;
00110     m_impl->m_alg = alg;
00112 }
00121 PKIFXSECCryptoHash::~PKIFXSECCryptoHash()
00122 {
00123     if(m_impl) {
00124         if(m_impl->m_hmacCtx) {
00125             delete m_impl->m_hmacCtx;
00126             m_impl->m_hmacCtx = 0;
00127         }
00128         if(m_impl->m_hashCtx) {
00129             delete m_impl->m_hashCtx;
00130             m_impl->m_hashCtx = 0;
00131         }
00132         delete m_impl;
00133         m_impl = 0;
00134     }
00135 }
00144 void PKIFXSECCryptoHash::reset(void)
00145 {
00146     if(m_impl->m_hmacCtx) {
00147         delete m_impl->m_hmacCtx;
00148         m_impl->m_hmacCtx = 0;
00149     }
00150     if(m_impl->m_hashCtx) {
00151         delete m_impl->m_hashCtx;
00152         m_impl->m_hashCtx = 0;
00153     }
00154 }
00163 void PKIFXSECCryptoHash::hash(
00165       unsigned char * data,
00167       unsigned int length)
00168 {
00169     if(!m_impl->m_med) {
00170         throw XSECCryptoException(XSECCryptoException::MDError,
00171             "PKIFXSECCryptoHash - No mediator is configured");
00172     }
00173     try {
00174         // the only way to tell between a HMAC call and a hash call is whether a key's been set
00175         if(m_impl->m_key) {
00176             // hang on to a pointer for future updates 
00177             if(!m_impl->m_raw) {
00178                 m_impl->m_raw = m_impl->m_med->GetMediator<IPKIFCryptoRaw>();
00179                 if(!m_impl->m_raw) {
00180                     throw XSECCryptoException(XSECCryptoException::MDError,
00181                         "PKIFXSECCryptoHash - No mediator is configured for HMAC support");
00182                 }
00183             }
00184             // since there's no init call, this is the best way to tell if it's a new hash
00185             if(!m_impl->m_hmacCtx) {
00186                 m_impl->m_hmacCtx = m_impl->m_raw->HMACInit(*(m_impl->m_key),pkifHashAlgForHT(m_impl->m_alg));
00187             }
00188             m_impl->m_raw->HMACUpdate(m_impl->m_hmacCtx,data,length);
00189         } else {
00190             // hang on to a pointer for future updates
00191             if(!m_impl->m_misc) {   
00192                 m_impl->m_misc = m_impl->m_med->GetMediator<IPKIFCryptoMisc>();
00193                 if(!m_impl->m_misc) {
00194                     throw XSECCryptoException(XSECCryptoException::MDError,
00195                         "PKIFXSECCryptoHash - No mediator is configured for hash support");
00196                 }
00197             }
00198             // since there's no init call, this is the best way to tell if it's a new hash
00199             if(!m_impl->m_hashCtx) {
00200                 m_impl->m_hashCtx = m_impl->m_misc->HashInit(pkifHashAlgForHT(m_impl->m_alg));
00201             }
00202             m_impl->m_misc->HashUpdate(m_impl->m_hashCtx,data,length);
00203         }
00204     }catch(CPKIFException & e) {
00205         throw XSECCryptoException(XSECCryptoException::MDError,e.GetDescription());
00206     }
00207 }
00216 unsigned int PKIFXSECCryptoHash::finish(
00218     unsigned char * hash,
00220     unsigned int maxLength)
00221 {
00222     int outLen = maxLength;
00223     try {
00224         // the only way to tell between a HMAC call and a hash call is whether a key's been set
00225         if(m_impl->m_hmacCtx) {
00226             m_impl->m_raw->HMACFinal(m_impl->m_hmacCtx,hash,&outLen);
00227         } else if(m_impl->m_hashCtx){
00228             m_impl->m_misc->HashFinal(m_impl->m_hashCtx,hash,&outLen);
00229         }
00230     }catch(CPKIFException & e) {
00231         throw XSECCryptoException(XSECCryptoException::MDError,e.GetDescription());
00232     }
00233     return outLen;
00234 }
00243 XSECCryptoHash::HashType PKIFXSECCryptoHash::getHashType() const
00244 {
00245     return m_impl->m_alg;
00246 }
00255 void PKIFXSECCryptoHash::setKey(
00257     XSECCryptoKey * key)
00258 {
00259     if(!key){
00260         CPKIFKeyMaterialPtr empty;
00261         m_impl->m_key = empty;
00262         return;
00263     }
00264     PKIFXSECCryptoKeyHMAC * hmacKey = dynamic_cast<PKIFXSECCryptoKeyHMAC *>(key);
00265     if(!hmacKey) {
00266         throw XSECCryptoException(XSECCryptoException::MDError,
00267             "PKIFXSECCryptoHash - Invalid key");
00268     }
00270     m_impl->m_key = hmacKey->getPKIFKeyMaterial();
00271 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:55 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6