
Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 #include "PKIFHttpCrlNode.h"
00011 #include "CRL.h"
00012 #include "Name.h"
00013 #include "PKIFLDAPRepository.h"
00014 #include "LDAP_URL_Header.h"
00015 #include "GottaMatch.h"
00017 #include <iterator>
00018 using namespace std;
00021 bool RetrieveCRLGivenHTTPURL(const char* url, CPKIFCRLList& crlList); //implemented in PKIFCRLDPRetrieval
00022 struct CPKIFHttpCrlNodeImpl
00023 {
00024     //CPKIFCRLPtr m_crl;
00025     CPKIFCRLNodeList m_cnl;
00026 };
00035 CPKIFHttpCrlNode::CPKIFHttpCrlNode() 
00036     : m_impl(new CPKIFHttpCrlNodeImpl)
00037 {
00038 }
00046 CPKIFHttpCrlNode::~CPKIFHttpCrlNode()
00047 {
00048     if(m_impl) delete m_impl;
00049 }
00057 /*
00058 CPKIFCRLPtr CPKIFHttpCrlNode::GetCRL()const
00059 {
00060     if(m_impl->m_crl != (CPKIFCRL*)NULL)
00061         return m_impl->m_crl;
00062     else
00063     {
00064         vector<string> sources;
00065         GetSources(sources);
00066         vector<string>::iterator pos;
00067         vector<string>::iterator end = sources.end();
00068         for(pos = sources.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
00069         {
00070             if(0 == (*pos).find("http"))
00071             {
00072                 CPKIFCRLList crlList;
00073                 RetrieveCRLGivenHTTPURL((*pos).c_str(), crlList);
00074                 if(!crlList.empty())
00075                 {
00076                     m_impl->m_crl = crlList.front();
00077                     SetState(PAS_AVAILABLE);
00078                     return m_impl->m_crl;
00079                 }
00080             }
00081         }
00083         return m_impl->m_crl; //no sources, return NULL
00084     }
00085 }
00086 */
00088 void CPKIFHttpCrlNode::GetCrls(CPKIFCRLNodeList& crlNodeList)
00089 {
00090     if(!m_impl->m_cnl.empty())
00091     {
00092         copy(m_impl->m_cnl.begin(), m_impl->m_cnl.end(), back_inserter(crlNodeList));
00093         return;
00094     }
00095     else if(PAS_UNAVAILABLE == GetState())
00096     {
00097         return;
00098     }
00099     else
00100     {
00101         bool atLeastOneWorked = false;
00102         vector<string> sources;
00103         GetSources(sources);
00104         vector<string>::iterator pos;
00105         vector<string>::iterator end = sources.end();
00106         for(pos = sources.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
00107         {
00108             if(0 == (*pos).find("http"))
00109             {
00110                 CPKIFCRLList crlList;
00111                 RetrieveCRLGivenHTTPURL((*pos).c_str(), crlList);
00112                 if(!crlList.empty())
00113                 {
00114                     atLeastOneWorked = true;
00115                     CPKIFCRLList::iterator listPos;
00116                     CPKIFCRLList::iterator listEnd = crlList.end();
00117                     for(listPos = crlList.begin(); listPos != listEnd; ++listPos)
00118                     {
00119                         CPKIFCRLNodeEntryPtr newNode(new CPKIFCRLNodeEntry);
00120                         newNode->SetCRL(*listPos);
00121                         newNode->AddSource(*pos);
00122                         newNode->SetState(PAS_AVAILABLE);
00123                         GottaMatch<CPKIFCRLNodeEntryPtr> gm;
00124                         gm.SetRHS(newNode);
00125                         if(m_impl->m_cnl.end() == find_if(m_impl->m_cnl.begin(), m_impl->m_cnl.end(), gm))
00126                             m_impl->m_cnl.push_back(newNode);
00127                     }
00129                     if(!m_impl->m_cnl.empty())
00130                     {
00131                         copy(m_impl->m_cnl.begin(), m_impl->m_cnl.end(), back_inserter(crlNodeList));
00132                         SetState(PAS_AVAILABLE);
00133                     }
00134                 }
00135             }
00136         }
00138         if(!atLeastOneWorked)
00139         {
00140             SetState(PAS_UNAVAILABLE);
00141         }
00143         return;
00144     }
00145 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:54 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6