
Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 #include "CRLType.h"
00011 struct CPKIFCRLTypeImpl {
00012   CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLCOVERAGE m_coverage;
00013   CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLSCOPE m_scope;
00014   CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLAUTHORITY m_authority;
00015   CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLREASONS m_reasons;
00016 };
00025 CPKIFCRLType::CPKIFCRLType():m_impl(new CPKIFCRLTypeImpl)
00026 {
00027     m_impl->m_coverage      = CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CC_UNSUPPORTED;
00028     m_impl->m_scope         = CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CS_UNSUPPORTED;
00029     m_impl->m_authority     = CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CA_UNSUPPORTED;
00030     m_impl->m_reasons       = CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CR_UNSUPPORTED;
00031 }
00040 {
00041   delete m_impl;
00042   m_impl = '\0';
00043 }
00051 CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLCOVERAGE CPKIFCRLType::GetCRLCoverage() const
00052 {
00053     return m_impl->m_coverage;
00054 }
00062 void CPKIFCRLType::SetCRLCoverage(
00064     CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLCOVERAGE coverage)
00065 {
00066     m_impl->m_coverage = coverage;
00067 }
00075 CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLSCOPE CPKIFCRLType::GetCRLScope() const
00076 {
00077     return m_impl->m_scope;
00078 }
00086 void CPKIFCRLType::SetCRLScope(
00088     CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLSCOPE scope)
00089 {
00090     m_impl->m_scope = scope;
00091 }
00099 CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLAUTHORITY CPKIFCRLType::GetCRLAuthority() const
00100 {
00101     return m_impl->m_authority;
00102 }
00110 void CPKIFCRLType::SetCRLAuthority(
00112     CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLAUTHORITY authority)
00113 {
00114     m_impl->m_authority = authority;
00115 }
00123 CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLREASONS CPKIFCRLType::GetCRLReasons() const
00124 {
00125     return m_impl->m_reasons;
00126 }
00134 void CPKIFCRLType::SetCRLReasons(
00136     CPKIFX509CRLChecker::CRLREASONS reasons)
00137 {
00138     m_impl->m_reasons = reasons;
00139 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:50 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6