
Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 #include "AuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory.h"
00010 #include "AuthorityKeyIdentifier.h"
00011 #include "Buffer.h"
00012 #include "X509Extension.h"
00020 CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory::CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory()
00021 {
00022 }
00031 void CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory::Initialize()
00032 {
00033 }
00041 CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory::~CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory()
00042 {
00043 }
00051 //CPKIFX509ExtensionPtr CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory::create(
00052 //  //![in] Reference to an internal representation of an extension containing information to use to 
00053 //  //!build a CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifier object
00054 //  const CACX509V3Extension& ext)
00055 //{
00056 //  CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierPtr tmp(new CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifier(ext));
00057 //  return tmp;
00058 //}
00067 CPKIFX509ExtensionPtr CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory::create(
00069     bool criticality,
00071     const CPKIFBufferPtr& ext)
00072 {
00073     CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierPtr tmp(new CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifier(criticality, ext));
00074     return tmp;
00075 }
00085 const char* CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifierFactory::refOID()
00086 {
00087     return CPKIFAuthorityKeyIdentifier::extOID;
00088 }

Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:15:45 2010 for PublicKeyInfrastructureFramework(PKIF) by  doxygen 1.5.6