Using PKIF on Linux and Solaris

To use PKIFv2 with Linux operating system specify PKIF_HOME environment variable pointing to the location of PKIF distribution.  The makefile of the application that uses PKIF will specify the location of PKIFv2 headers files as:

PKIFv2 header files are stored in three folders.  General PKIFv2 headers are located in pkif folder.  Header files associated with Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) are located in pkifcms folders. Header files associated with Time Stamping Protocol are located in pkiftsp folder.  To include all general PKIFv2 headres use the following include statement: 

#include "pkif.h"

To include all Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) related header files use the following include statement:

#include "PKIFCMS.h"

To inlcude all Time Stamping Protocol related header files use the following include statement:

#include "PKIFTSP.h"

The location of PKIFv2 libraries are specified as $(PKIF_HOME)/lib.

When running applications that uses PKIF make sure to include the $(PKIF_HOME)/bin to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.