Specifying a trusted OCSP responder

The following sample demonstrates creation of a custom mediator/colleague set that includes a revocation status mediator that will check a trusted OCSP responder first, an AIA identified OCSP responders second and CRLs as a last resort.

Supported Languages


void EnablingOCSP_LowLevel()
      //Create and initialize a crypto mediator with the default colleagues
      CPKIFCryptoMediator2Ptr cryptoMed(new CPKIFCryptoMediator2(true));

      //Create and initialize a cache mediator with the default colleagues
      CPKIFCacheMediator2Ptr cacheMed(new CPKIFCacheMediator2(true));

      //Create and initialize a path mediator with the default colleagues
      CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2Ptr pathMed(new CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(true));

      //Create and initialize a revocation status mediator with no colleagues.
      CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2Ptr rsm(new CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2());

      //Add the mediators created in the above to the revocation status mediator
      rsm->AddMediator(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFMediator, CPKIFCryptoMediator2>(cryptoMed));
      rsm->AddMediator(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFMediator, CPKIFCacheMediator2>(cacheMed));
      rsm->AddMediator(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFMediator, CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2>(pathMed));     

      //Create an OCSP object to reference a trusted responder.  This must be
      //be the first colleague added to the collection held by the revocation
      //status mediator if it is to always be consulted prior to trying
      //CRLs or AIA-based OCSP responders.  By specifying a host, this instance
      //will behave as a locally configured client and will not perform consult
      //responders identified via AIA extensions.
      CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr localOCSP(new CPKIFOCSPChecker());

      //Create an OCSP colleage to consult responders identified in
      //AIA extensions if necessary.  Do not specify a host or port. 
      CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr aiaOCSP(new CPKIFOCSPChecker()); 

      //Create an object to check CRLs in the event that OCSP
      //processing does not yield a definitive answer.
      CPKIFX509CRLCheckerPtr crlChecker(new CPKIFX509CRLChecker()); 

      //Set up the mediator so the local responder is checked first
      //followed by AIA then CRLs.
      rsm->AddColleague(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFColleague, CPKIFOCSPChecker>(localOCSP));
      rsm->AddColleague(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFColleague, CPKIFOCSPChecker>(aiaOCSP));
      rsm->AddColleague(dynamic_pointer_cast<IPKIFColleague, CPKIFX509CRLChecker>(crlChecker));


public void EnablingOCSP_LowLevel()
    //Create and initialize a crypto mediator with the default colleagues
    IPKIFColleaguePtr cryptoMedInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFCryptoMediator2(true);
    CPKIFCryptoMediator2 cryptoMed = pkif_module.Get_CryptoMediator(cryptoMedInter);

    //Create and initialize a cache mediator with the default colleagues
    IPKIFColleaguePtr cacheMedInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFCacheMediator2(true);
    CPKIFCacheMediator2 cacheMed = pkif_module.Get_CacheMediator(cacheMedInter);

    //Create and initialize a path mediator with the default colleagues
    IPKIFColleaguePtr pathMedInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(true);
    CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2 pathMed = pkif_module.Get_PathProcessingMediator(pathMedInter);

    //Create and initialize a revocation status mediator with no colleagues.
    IPKIFColleaguePtr rsmInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2(false);
    CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2 rsm = pkif_module.Get_RevocationStatusMediator(rsmInter);

    //Add the mediators created in the above to the revocation status mediator

    //Create an OCSP object to reference a trusted responder.  This must be
    //be the first colleague added to the collection held by the revocation
    //status mediator if it is to always be consulted prior to trying
    //CRLs or AIA-based OCSP responders.  By specifying a host, this instance
    //will behave as a locally configured client and will not perform consult
    //responders identified via AIA extensions.
    IPKIFColleaguePtr localOCSPCol = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFOCSPChecker();
    CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr localOCSP = pkif_module.cast_ToCPKIFOCSPChecker(localOCSPCol);

    //Create an OCSP colleage to consult responders identified in
    //AIA extensions if necessary.  Do not specify a host or port. 
    IPKIFColleaguePtr aiaOCSPCol = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFOCSPChecker();
    CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr aiaOCSP = pkif_module.cast_ToCPKIFOCSPChecker(aiaOCSPCol); 

    //Create an object to check CRLs in the event that OCSP
    //processing does not yield a definitive answer.
    IPKIFColleaguePtr crlCheckerCol = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFX509CRLChecker();
    CPKIFX509CRLCheckerPtr crlChecker = pkif_module.cast_ToCPKIFX509CRLChecker(crlCheckerCol);

    //Set up the mediator so the local responder is checked first
    //followed by AIA then CRLs.


public void EnablingOCSP_LowLevel()
//Create and initialize a crypto mediator with the default colleagues
    IPKIFColleaguePtr cryptoMedInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFCryptoMediator2(true);
    CPKIFCryptoMediator2 cryptoMed = pkif_module.Get_CryptoMediator(cryptoMedInter);

    //Create and initialize a cache mediator with the default colleagues
    IPKIFColleaguePtr cacheMedInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFCacheMediator2(true);
    CPKIFCacheMediator2 cacheMed = pkif_module.Get_CacheMediator(cacheMedInter);

    //Create and initialize a path mediator with the default colleagues
    IPKIFColleaguePtr pathMedInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFPathProcessingMediator2(true);
    CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2 pathMed = pkif_module.Get_PathProcessingMediator(pathMedInter);

    //Create and initialize a revocation status mediator with no colleagues.
    IPKIFColleaguePtr rsmInter = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2(false);
    CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2 rsm = pkif_module.Get_RevocationStatusMediator(rsmInter);

    //Add the mediators created in the above to the revocation status mediator

    //Create an OCSP object to reference a trusted responder.  This must be
    //be the first colleague added to the collection held by the revocation
    //status mediator if it is to always be consulted prior to trying
    //CRLs or AIA-based OCSP responders.  By specifying a host, this instance
    //will behave as a locally configured client and will not perform consult
    //responders identified via AIA extensions.
    IPKIFColleaguePtr localOCSPCol = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFOCSPChecker();
    CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr localOCSP = pkif_module.cast_ToCPKIFOCSPChecker(localOCSPCol);

    //Create an OCSP colleage to consult responders identified in
    //AIA extensions if necessary.  Do not specify a host or port. 
    IPKIFColleaguePtr aiaOCSPCol = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFOCSPChecker();
    CPKIFOCSPCheckerPtr aiaOCSP = pkif_module.cast_ToCPKIFOCSPChecker(aiaOCSPCol);

    //Create an object to check CRLs in the event that OCSP
    //processing does not yield a definitive answer.
    IPKIFColleaguePtr crlCheckerCol = pkif_module.make_NewCPKIFX509CRLChecker();
    CPKIFX509CRLCheckerPtr crlChecker = pkif_module.cast_ToCPKIFX509CRLChecker(crlCheckerCol);


    //Set up the mediator so the local responder is checked first
    //followed by AIA then CRLs.  This example does not transfer
    //lifetime management of the objects to the mediator so they
    //must be deleted below after the mediator is no longer needed.
