Common Criteria compliant installation

PKIF Users:

PKIFv2 can be downloaded from source forge website at   To verify the integrity of PKIFv2 distribution users (application developers) can contact PKIFv2 development team at to request hash value for PKIFv2 distribution package and hash calculating tool to be sent via a signed email.

PKIFv2 is undergoing Common Criteria evaluation on two Operating Systems:

Microsoft Windows Server 2003; SP 1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL) WS Update 1

For PKIFv2 to be in evaluated configuration it has to be installed on one of the Operating Systems listed above.  Installation instructions for PKIFv2 can be found here.

PKIFv2 users (application developers) can subscribe to PKIFv2 user list at to receive  security-related notifications.  PKIFv2 user can report security-related flaws using email address.   

To verify PKIFv2 version on Windows Operating System right click on PKIF.dll, select properties and choose Version tap.  The version will be displayed in the first field of the tab.
To verify PKIFv2 version on Linux Operating System check the version provided in the name of the PKIFv2 distribution file.

The evaluated version of PKIF is

Assumptions placed on IT and Non-IT environment

There are several assumptions that to keep in mind when conduction Command Criteria compliant installation of PKIFv2.

Important Notes: