Mediators can be associated with other mediators at runtime. When it is necessary to add an additional colleague to a specific mediator that is part of a collection, the GetMediator template function can be used to obtain a pointer to the desired mediator. GetMediator can also be used to retrieve pointers to specific interfaces. The GetMediator function is a member of the IPKIFMediator interface and is defined as follows:
template<class X> X* GetMediator() const;
The function takes one template parameter that identifies the mediator to retrieve. When the requested mediator is not found NULL is returned. The GetMediator function is used as follos:
CPKIFCryptoMediator2 cryptoMediator = new CPKIFCryptoMediator2();
CPKIFCacheMediator2 cacheMediator = new CPKIFCacheMediator2();
CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2 revStatMed = new CPKIFRevocationStatusMediator2();
CPKIFPathProcessingMediator2 pathProcMediator;
//retrieve a pointer to the IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations interface
to exercise functionality via that interface
IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations* cryptoKeyID = pathProcMediator.GetMediator<IPKIFCryptoKeyIDOperations>();
//retrieve a pointer to the CPKIFCacheMediator2 mediator to
perform operations on the mediator object itself
CPKIFCacheMediator2* cacheMediator = pathProcMediator.GetMediator<CPKIFCacheMediator2 >();
It is necessary to invoke
the Initialize function on all mediators prior to use. Initialize will
automatically invoke Initialize on all associated mediators.